Sunday, June 16, 2013

Purple Sweet Potato Nutrition & Incredible Health Benefits For Human, Better Than Potatoes

In addition to its sweet taste, sweet potato nutrition also has so many benefits for human health. They are thought to have come from American continent, botanical and agricultural experts estimate the origin of sweet potato plants are New Zealand, Polynesia, and the central part of America. Sweet potato or scientific name Ipomoea batatas is a staple food in Africa, while in Asia, in addition to parts of the tuber is consumed, the young sweet potato leaves are also made as a vegetable. There is also a sweet potato which is used as an ornamental plant for its beautiful leaves.

In the market we can find various types of sweet potatoes, there are purple, red, pale yellow or white. Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants, the more intense the color, it has more antioxidants, choose colorful sweet potatoes for consumption, especially the purple and red. According to The U.S. Sweet Potato Council Inc., Sweet potatoes are cooked with the skin produces more fiber than a serving of oatmeal. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamin A, B, C, calcium and potassium which works to relieve inflammation of the stomach.

A single sweet potato contains more than 200 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin A. This vitamin gives yellow color of sweet potatoes in the form of beta carotene. Beta carotene also plays an important role as an antioxidant as well as maintaining eye health. Sweet potato is low calories food, to get more information data about how many calories in sweet potato, you can read it below.

Calories in potato & nutrition facts

Like what we have mentioned above, sweet potato has low calories, because based from USDA Nation Nutrient data base, in every 100 gr baked sweet potato (in skin) contained 90 calories or equal to 376 kJ. According to calorieking site, to burn those calories, you only needs to do activities such as swimming for only 7 minutes, or jogging for 10 minutes, or cycling for 14 minutes. If you prefer walking, it will takes a little longer  time, approximately 25 minutes. 

Besides simple starches, sweet potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, beta-carotene (a provitamin A carotenoid), vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese and potassium.Pink, yellow and green varieties are also high in beta-carotene. In 1992, the Center for Science in the Public Interest compared the nutritional value of sweet potatoes to other vegetables. Considering fiber content, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium, the sweet potato ranked highest in nutritional value. According to these criteria, sweet potatoes earned 184 points, 100 points over the next on the list, the common potato.

Sweet potato varieties with dark orange flesh have more beta carotene than those with light-colored flesh, and their increased cultivation is being encouraged in Africa, where vitamin A deficiency is a serious health problem. A 2012 study of 10,000 households in Uganda found that 50% of children who ate normal sweet potatoes suffered from vitamin A deficiency compared with only 10% of those on the high beta carotene variety. Below you can read sweet potato nutritional value table.
sweet potato nutrition facts
Raw sweet potato leaves nutritional value

Magnificent sweet potato health benefits

In terms of market competition, the potato tuber is more popular as a practical and could easily be encountered in a variety of menus, ranging from just french fries, croquettes, and so forth. In fact, sweet potatoes proved to be much more healthy than the potato. For your consideration, here are the various health benefits of sweet potatoes:

Keeping Blood Pressure
According to the American Heart Association, the sweet potato is one of the foods that are rich in potassium. Potassium has a very important role in maintaining blood pressure. In addition, potassium also plays a role in controlling muscle and nerve function. On average, adults need as much as 4,700 milligrams of calcium each day, and a large size of the sweet potato contains 300 milligrams of potassium, even more.

Against Cancer
Sweet potatoes contain lots of beta carotene which is an antioxidant, a substance that is not only able to fight free radicals, substances that fight cancer. There have been many studies that prove that the high content of carotenoids beta-carotene in the blood associated with reduced risk of breast cancer. Health experts recommend eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables that contain lots of beta carotene.

Maintain Weight Loss
Want to Slim? Stay away from potatoes! If someone is a hobby enjoyed potatoes, especially in the form of chips and french fries, then do not be surprised if the person will gain weight. But, not all tuber have the same effect, for example sweet potatoes. If you like to enjoy sweet potatoes, your weight will be stable even down. There are a lot of fiber in sweet potatoes would make a person feel full longer, and make a number of blood sugar remains stable. Soluble fiber contained in sweet potato also helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood.

One of the best sources of vitamin A
Sweet potato was given the title as a super food by the Center for Science in the Public Interest for nutritional content. A single medium-size sweet potato provides more than 200 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin A. This vitamin appears in the form of beta carotene, which gives on color orange sweet potato.
Vitamin A itself to be beneficial to eyesight, skin, and bones. Sweet potatoes also functions as an antioxidant, helping to prevent infection in the digestive tract, urinary tract, and lungs. In a study conducted by Kansas State University in 2003, and published in The American Society for Nutritional Sciences, discovered the relationship between vitamin A deficiency and emphysema (a lung infection that causes difficulty breathing).

Immune system
Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, the main antioxidant, as well as various other nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, iron and phosphorus. This makes the sweet potato as a great immune booster.

Helps digestion
Fiber in sweet potatoes are also higher compared to other types of potatoes in general. If both of these factors combined with other minerals such as magnesium contained in sweet potatoes, then this food is the right choice to help digestion. Besides it's, sweet potato is also easy to digested as well as good for gastric and small intestine.

Overcome bronchitis
The content of vitamin C, iron and other nutrients to help cure bronchitis. Sweet potatoes are also believed to warm the body (probably because of the sweetness and other nutrients). The content also serves to cure bronchitis, regardless of other content that could relieve congestion.

Overcoming arthritis
The content of beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B complex to make sweet potato as the right choice to tackle arthritis. Sweet potato cooking water can be applied to the joints to relieve pain from arthritis.

Overcoming diabetes
People with diabetes are often advised to avoid sugary foods. This does not apply to sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are are very effective in regulating blood sugar levels by helping insulin secretion and function. However, does not mean that people with diabetes can eat sweet potatoes without rules. But, they can change their carbohydrate intake with rice or sweet potatoes.

Overcome stomach ulcers
Sweet potatoes are comfortable effect in the stomach and small intestine. Vitamin B complex and vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium and calcium are very effective in relieving inflammation of the stomach. In addition, the fiber in sweet potatoes can prevent constipation and accumulation of acid, because it will decrease the likelihood of gastric inflammation. Anti-inflammatory and soothing content of sweet potatoes can also reduce the pain and inflammation of the stomach.

From so many varieties of sweet potatoes, it is advised to choose purple color, because it has more nutrition compare than other varieties. So, according to a little sweet potatoes health benefits above, do you want to put it on your daily diet menu?
Health Fame Healthy Foods

Corn Nutritional Value & Health Benefits As Low Calories Source Of Carbohydrate

Corn is one of the world's most important food crops, except wheat and rice, in addition, corn is also one source of carbohydrate with low calories content that has a lot of benefits for health. Corn is also rich in fiber and a host of other nutrients such as vitamin B, and C, carotene, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, omega 6, and unsaturated fats which can help lower cholesterol. Corn can be processed into a variety of tasty dishes, such as boiled, baked or used as pop corn.

Corn or sweet corn is one of the most popular cereal in the world and a staple food in many countries including the United States. Nutritional content of corn has the ability to protect our body from various diseases attack. More specifically, the health benefits of corn is for diabetes, prevention of heart disease, hypertension, and prevention of disability in the nerve (neural-tube) at birth.

Corn is high in fiber, plays a role in the prevention of diseases that attack the digestive such as constipation and hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer. Antioxidants in corn also act as anti-cancer agents and prevent Alzheimer's. Corn is also rich in phytochemicals, provide protection against a variety of chronic diseases. Before we discuss more specifically about corn health benefits, below we will discuss how many calories in corn and its nutrition facts first.

Calories in corn & Nutritional facts

Based from USDA National Nutrient data base, calories in every 100 gr of yellow sweet corn (whole kernel, canned, drained) contained 81 calories or equal to 339 kJ. To burn those calories, according to calorieking site, you only needs to do activities such as swimming for 7 minutes, or jogging for 9 minutes or cycling for 12 minutes. If you prefer walking, you can burn those calories by walking for about 22 minutes.

Corn kernels are rich in carbohydrates, mostly at the endospermium. Carbohydrate content can reach 80% of the seed dry material. Carbohydrates in the form of starch is generally a mixture of amylose and amylopectin. At glutinous corn, most or all of the starch is amylopectin. This difference has little impact on the nutritional content, but rather as a means in the processing of foodstuffs. Sweet corn is known to contain lower amylopectin, but increased fitoglikogen and sucrose. Another corn nutrition such as protein, calcium and phosphorus, and several types of vitamins that you can read in detail at table below:

More corn nutritional value

Health benefits of corn

Controlling cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance produced by the liver. There are two types of cholesterol, good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Due to an increase in bad cholesterol intake of fatty foods, weaken the liver, and can lead to cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C, carotenoids, and bioflavinoids contained in sweet corn keep your heart healthy by controlling cholesterol levels and improve blood flow in the body.

Improve digestion
Corn has a lot of fiber which is a great advantage for digestion. It can prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and even reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Preventing diabetes mellitus
Corn has low glycemic index do not raise blood sugar levels, so it is best eaten for people with diabetes mellitus.

Prevent anemia
Corn is rich in vitamin B and folic acid can prevent anemia. Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells is reduced considerably due to lack of iron.

Good for pregnant women
Corn can be one of the diet should be consumed by pregnant women. Folic acid is found in corn is very good for the health of pregnant women and infants. Corn could overcome the shortage of folic acid in pregnant women that affects infants. Lack of folic acid in the body will affect the baby weight. Benefits of sweet corn to prevent newborns are underweight and avoid other disability.

Skin care
Antioxidants content in corn helps keep skin younger for longer. Apart from regular consumption, corn can also be applied as corn oil which is a rich source of linoleic acid. Corn starch can also be useful to soothe skin irritations and rashes.

Corn is rich in potassium which is a diuretic, so it can overcome the irritation of the urinary tract, lower uric acid levels, and prevent kidney stones.

Corn allergy

Quote from wikipedia: Corn contains lipid transfer protein, an indigestible protein that survives cooking. This protein has been linked to a rare and understudied allergy to maize in humans. The allergic reaction can cause skin rash, swelling or itching of mucous membranes, diarrhea, vomiting, asthma and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis. It is unclear how common this allergy is in the general population.

Corn is central to Mexican food. Virtually every dish in Mexican cuisine uses corn. On form of grain or cornmeal, corn is the main ingredient of tortillas, tamales, pozole, atole and all the dishes based on them, like tacos, quesadillas, chilaquiles, enchiladas, tostadas and many more. In Mexico even a fungus of corn, known as huitlacoche is considered a delicacy.

Introduced into Africa by the Portuguese in the 16th century, corn has become Africa's most important staple food crop. Corn meal is made into a thick porridge in many cultures: from the polenta of Italy, the angu of Brazil, the mămăligă of Romania, to cornmeal mush in the U.S. (and hominy grits in the South) or the food called mealie pap in South Africa and sadza, nshima and ugali in other parts of Africa. Corn meal is also used as a replacement for wheat flour, to make cornbread and other baked products. Masa (cornmeal treated with limewater) is the main ingredient for tortillas, atole and many other dishes of Central American food.
Health Fame Healthy Foods
Friday, June 14, 2013

Facts About Kiwi Nutrition & Health Benefits That You Can Get

Kiwi is one of the super fruit that belongs to the group of berries. In addition to its delicious taste, kiwi also has so many health benefits, because it is sources of vitamins, minerals and energy. As quoted from Idiva, fruit which is also known as kiwifruits (Actinidia deliciosa) is not only can be eaten directly, but is also often used as ingredients fresh cakes, tarts, fruit salads and other types of other desserts. This exotic fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals flavonoids. High content of vitamin C as contained in bananas. Additionally, it contains a high beta-carotene, making it suitable to be consumed every day.

Kiwifruit is native to southern China where it has been declared a National Fruit of China, cultivation of the fuzzy kiwifruit spread from China in the early 20th century, when seeds were introduced to New Zealand by Mary Isabel Fraser. There are two types of kiwi fruit on the market, namely green Kiwi and golden Kiwi.

Researchers from the Health Science from New Zealand Zespri International, Lynley Drummond said Kiwi fruit full of phytonutrients that are good for health, as it will result in polyphenols as antioxidants for the body, enzymes for digestion and beneficial carotenoids as antioxidants and eye health. Studies conducted prove, kiwi fruit provides the most nutrition with the least amount of calories when compared with oranges, bananas and apples. Make kiwi is one option for people who are in a diet program.

Calories in kiwi & nutrition facts

Kiwi is also referred to as a "super fruit" provides more vitamins for health, minerals per gram and per calorie of the 27 most popular fruit. Kiwi fruit is a source of dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin C and E, carotenoids, antioxidants and minerals. As mentioned above, kiwi is low calories fruit, in every 100 gr of kiwi only contained 61 calories.

Kiwi fruit has a low Glycemic Index and will not quickly raise blood glucose levels. Which is able to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and help maintain weight. Pregnant women need about 400-800 mcg of folic acid for a healthy perkembangean fetus in early pregnancy. Kiwi is a good source of folate which helps brain development and cognitive prevent neural defects in babies (both before and during pregnancy). Folate manufacture and repair of DNA, as well as assist in cell division and rapid growth.

To get more kiwi health benefits, you can read at kiwi nutrition facts table below and also comparation between green and golden kiwi nutrition.

Health benefits of kiwi

Kiwi contains potassium which is known as high blood pressure-lowering mineral. Potassium is also important for maintaining muscle and reflex functions of nerve system. Potassium also plays a role in maintaining water balance in the body. 

Counteract free radicals
Kiwi is very rich antioxidant content. The content of polyphenols, carotenoids, and other enzymes to form antioxidants that counteract free radicals that enter the body. The result, a healthier body and can avoid many diseases.

Eye health
Kiwi contain lutein and beta-carotene are very useful for maintaining eye health.

Digestive Problems
With high fiber content, Kiwi can help for those who has digestive problems. Irregular bowel movement or bloating can be overcome by taking them on a regular basis.

Beneficial for pregnant women
Kiwi is rich in folic acid which is good for pregnant women to prevent birth defects of the brain or spinal cord. Kiwi fruit can also help overcome iron deficiency in women can be disruption to productivity, growth and cognitive function, the risk of pregnancy and the immune system.

Heart health
Its potassium content is almost the same as that contained in the bananas. Kiwi fruit is a source of potentially low salt potassium beneficial in maintaining blood pressure and heart health.

Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's
Kiwi fruit is believed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease up to 50%.

Kiwi allergy

Taken from wikipedia:
The actinidain found in kiwifruit can be an allergen for some individuals. Specifically, people allergic to latex, bananas, papayas, or pineapples are likely to also be allergic to kiwifruit. The fruit also contains calcium oxalate crystals in the form of raphides. Reactions to these chemicals include sweating, tingling and sore mouth or throat; swelling of the lips, tongue and face; rash; vomiting and abdominal pain, heartburn; and, in the most severe cases, breathing difficulties, wheezing and collapse. The most common symptoms are unpleasant itching and soreness of the mouth, with the most common severe symptom being wheezing. Severe symptoms are most likely to occur in young children.
Health Fame Fruits
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Dangers And Benefits Of Coffee For Our Health, Facts That We Should Know

Probably, coffee is the most popular beverages entire the world, even not all people like to drink it, at least they know what coffee is. In addition to health benefits of coffee, there are also some dangerous things that we should know if we consume coffee in excess. One of them is effect of dependence. Coffee has become the largest drinks after water consumption by humans on this earth. There are many reasons why people like to drink coffee, maybe because the pleasures of taste and aroma or maybe also because the health benefits of coffee or for both.
Drinking coffee in excess amount may increase the risk of stroke. A study published in the journal of neurology, and psychiatry neurosurgery in 2002 concluded that drinking more than 5 cups of coffee per day will increase the risk of damage to the blood vessel wall. Caffeine can also cause insomnia, easy to feel nervous, headache, feeling tense and irritable. In pregnant women are also advised not to consume coffee and caffeine-containing foods. This is because caffeine can increase heart rate. Can attack placenta the fetus and into the fetal blood circulation. The worst impact, can cause miscarriage.

Before we talk all about coffee benefits for health and the dangers, first read about coffee nutrition facts and calories in coffee below.

health benefits of coffee

Calories in coffee & nutrition facts

According to USDA National Nutrient data base, in every 1 cup or 8 fl oz (237 grams) of coffee, only contained 1 calories. So coffee should be in low calories beverages. There are also contained some minerals such as Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Manganese. There are also some small amount of vitamins, protein and amino acids. For more coffee nutritional value per 1 cup or 8 fl oz (237 grams), you can read at table below.
For detail vitamins, minral and protein contained in a cup of coffee, you can read at table below.
Coffee nutritional value:
coffee nutritional value
coffee nutrition facts vitamins in a cup of coffee

Health benefits of coffee

Behind some of the negative effects of coffee such as increased blood pressure and heart rate, coffee also has many benefits if taken wisely. How and what are the health benefits of coffee? You can read it below:
Reduce the risk of diabetes type 2
Several research studies show that coffee can reduce the risk of diabetes type 2 up to 50% percentage. This is because of the content of chlorogenic acid in coffee that serves to slow the absorption of sugar in digestion and acid also stimulates GLP-1 which is a chemical that can produce insulin.

Inhibit cognitive decline in women
Drinking coffee could inhibit the brain's cognitive function decline due to aging. However, this applies only to women because women are more sensitive to caffeine.
Coffee as generating stamina and extra energy
Mechanism of action caffeine substances in the body compete with adenosine functions in our body. Adenosine itself is a compound present in functioning brain cells to make people fall asleep. Caffeine content can slow down the body's cells so that the body does not easily tired and sleepy and emerge feeling refreshed, eyes wide open, faster heart rate, increased blood pressure.
Coffee cope with mood swings and depression
Drinking coffee regularly with proper portions can maximize brain works better. The content of antioxidants found in coffee may ward off brain cell damage and help the neural network to work better. caffeine Substance in coffee works very well as a stimulant on the body. It can stimulate our senses and increases the rate of metabolism. Increasing the ability to concentrate, mood swings and even overcome depression.
Prevent Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease is usually experienced by those who have been aged. The disease is characterized by tremor movements of the muscles. Age factors and unhealthy lifestyle makes this disease is often approached. However, now it has been found that the benefits of coffee can relieve and prevent the Parkinson's disease.
By drinking 2 cups of coffee a day, it is expected that our bodies become resistant to Parkinson's. Those who drink coffee have a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease than those who did not consume coffee. Coffee Benefits is of course needs to be balanced with diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Coffee can relieve headaches
According Seimur Damond, MD, of Chicago's Diamond Hadche Clinic. That the caffeine content in coffee can reduce the pain of headaches. Patients with mild headaches or migrant proven to be cured by drinking a cup of strong coffee.
Coffee may prevent the risk of oral cancer and protect teeth
Compounds contained in coffee is beneficial to prevent the risk of oral cancer, limiting the growth of cancer cells. Besides coffee has anti-bacterial and anti-adhesive very well and allow to cure various problems related to oral health, including dental cavities, plaque formation and gum infections.

Negative Effects of Coffee

However, coffee also has a negative effect. The main content of coffee are  caffeine, it  is addictive stimulant. Caffeine affects the cardiovascular system such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. The negative impact that appears when you consumed in excess.
For most people, drinking two to three cups of coffee does not have a negative impact. Drinking coffee with more frequency than that can cause heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches and other disorders. Therefore, for those who consumed coffee that was not sleepy, for example because of lack of sleep, it is suggested that consumption is spread throughout the day.
Research on the connection of coffee consumption with miscarriage does not provide uniform conclusions. But, just to be safe pregnant women are advised not to drink more than one cup of coffee a day. 
Benefits of coffee can be obtained as long as caffeine dose is not in excessive. For people with heart problems and high blood pressure, 3 milligrams of caffeine in an 8 oz of coffee per cup. So people who have heart disease can still drink coffee with terms reduced the number of  caffeine.

Caffeine content

Quote from Wikipedia: The caffeine content of a cup of coffee varies depending mainly on the brewing method, and also on the variety of seed. According to an article in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, coffee has the following caffeine content, depending on how it is prepared:
While the percent of caffeine content in coffee seeds themselves diminishes with increased roast level, this does not hold true for the same coffee brewed from different grinds and brewing methods using the same proportion of coffee to water volume. The coffee sack (similar to the French press and other steeping methods) extracts more caffeine from dark roasted seeds, while the percolator and espresso methods extracts more caffeine from light roasted seeds.

So we can make a conclusion, if you consume coffee in enough amount, you will get the benefits, but if you consume to much coffee you will get the negative effects or the dangers. So, be wise to consume coffee everyday.
Health Fame Benefits
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

11 Superb Benefits of Mango Nutrition For Health As Super Fruit

Who doesn't know mango? Mango is one of the most popular fruit in the world, it can be made as juice or eat directly. Behind delicious and refreshing taste, there are so many mango nutrient content that are beneficial to health. Mango fruit contains many nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and other minerals that can help improve the quality of health and boost immunity. That's why, mango also called as super fruit. Of course, these benefits will we get if mangoes are consumed on a regular basis either in raw or ripe condition.

There are hundreds of mangoes types in the world with a variety of colors ranging from green, yellow, orange, red, or a combination. Although raw mangoes usually green, but the coloring is not always an indicator of the ripe fruit. Mangoes thought to have originated from around the Indian border with Burma, then spread to Southeast Asia at least since 1500 years ago. 

Calories in mango & nutrition facts

Mango is low calories fruit, because in a cup pieces of mango (about 165 gr) contained 99 calories or equal to 414 kJ. To burn those calories you only need to swim for 8 minutes, or if you prefer cycling, then you can burn those calories by cycling for 15 minutes.

As stated above, mango fruit contains less calories and fat. Fat contained in mango fruit is monounsaturated fat, which is a good fat that will destroy cholesterol and very good for heart health. The highest mango nutrition is vitamin C, because in every 100 gr contained 27.7 mg that meet the needs of RDA about 46% (based on USDA National Nutrient data base). 

In addition to functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C also has the function of maintaining health and stimulate the capillary vessels, healthy teeth and gums. It helps the absorption of iron and can inhibit the production of natrosamin, a cancer-triggering substances. Vitamin C can also make connective tissue remains normal and help the healing of wounds.

Another vitamins contained in mango such as vitamin A, E, K, thiamin, riboflavin, folates and so on. You will also get minerals in a mango, for details each nutritional value, you can read below.

Mango nutritional value per 100 g 
Source : USDA Nutrient data base

 Energy : 60 Kcal
Carbohydrates : 14.98 g
Protein : 0.82 g
Total Fat : 0.38 g
Dietary Fiber : 1.6 g 
 Water : 83.46 g 
 Total sugar : 13.66 g 

 Folates : 43 µg 
 Niacin : 0.669 mg 
 Riboflavin : 0.038 mg 
 Thiamin : 0.028 mg 
 Vitamin A : 1082 IU 
 Pyridoxine : 0.119 mg 
 Vitamin C : 36.4 mg 
 Vitamin D : 0 IU 
 Vitamin E : 0.90 mg 
 Vitamin K : 4.2 µg 

 Calcium : 11 mg 
 Iron : 0.16 mg 
 Magnesium : 10 mg 
 Phosphorus : 14 mg 
 Zinc : 0.09 mg 
 Sodium : 1 mg 
 Potassium : 168 mg 

 Saturated fatty acids : 0.092 g 
 Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.140 g 
 Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.071 g 
 Cholesterol : 0

11 superb health benefits of mango

1. As an antioxidant
Mango fruit has a high content of vitamin C as an antioxidant, so it can counteract free radicals. In addition, mangoes also contain beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a substance that is later converted into vitamin A in the body. This vitamin is good for eye health. With vitamins that are antioxidants, the mango can protect the body from cancer.

2. As an energy source
Mangoes contain sugar sucrose which makes mango is sweet. With the sugar content, mango fruit is a source of energy for the body. Although the sugar content in mango is not much, mango can be consumed as an energy boost. Ripe mangoes has more sucrose than raw mangoes, so it has a higher energy when compared to the raw mango.

3. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums
In addition to functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C in the mango also maintaining healthy blood capillaries, teeth and gums. It helps the absorption of iron and can inhibit the production of natrosamin or cancer-triggering substances. Vitamin C is also able to help the healing of wounds.

4. Assist the process of digestion
Benefits of mango fruit in helping the process of digestion due to high fiber content. This fiber can prevent constipation. In addition, the mango fruit also contains digestive enzymes that help process protein breakdown and can also soothe the stomach by preventing acidity excess.

5. Prevent Cancer
Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit has the ability to protect against cancer of the colon, breast, leukemia and prostate. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes.

6. Lowers the risk of stroke
Mango contains potassium which can reduce the risk of stroke. Potassium is a substance that serves to activate muscle contractions, increased heart rate regularity and helps blood pressure. Consume enough potassium can help reduce the effects of sodium in raising blood pressure and may reduce the risk of stroke.

7. Preventing Heart Disease
Mango is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin E, and selenium which help protect against heart disease. Mango fruit is also rich in vitamin B6, which plays a role in preventing heart disease by lowering homocysteine ​​levels (Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid in the blood that damages the lining of blood vessels).

8. Lowering Blood Pressure
Due to the mango potassium content, may assist in regulating blood pressure levels. Therefore, eating a mango on a regular basis can help lower blood pressure.

9. Improve memory
In mangoes contain sufficient acid glutamine. This compound is able to assist you in improving memory.

10. Making better quality of the marital relationship
Vitamin E is contained in mango fruit can improve the quality of the marital relationship and also increase the fertility of the reproductive organs.

11. Healthy eyes
Vitamin A contained in mango, 255 meet the daily needs of our bodies and according to some research by consuming mango fruit regularly can reduce the risk of night blindness.

Above are just few of mangoes health benefits, because there are also benefits for beauty. There is also a hidden reason why do pregnant women like to eat young / raw mangoes. Because young mango can help reduce the intensity and frequency to minimize nausea. If you regularly consume raw mango, nausea can be lost in total.
Health Fame Fruits

Almonds Nutrition Facts & 15 Magnificent Health Benefits, High Calories But Healthy!

Almonds are healthy nuts which are added to various dishes and processed food products. In addition to delicious taste, almonds nutrition contents has so many health benefits for human body. Although popular bears the name "nuts", but in botany, Almond does not belong to the nuts crop relatives or legumes family. The almond fruit has a distinctive taste, therefore it is not surprising that many culinary uses pieces of almonds as a complementary flavor.

Based on further research, it is known that almonds contain as much as 49% oil comprising omega-9, omega-6, palmiat acid, oleum amigdalae and others. In addition to earlier oil, almonds also contain other nutrients such as carbohydrate, fiber, sugars, vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and magnesium.

While the almond is often eaten on its own, raw or toasted, it is also a component of various dishes. Almonds are available in many forms, such as whole, sliced (flaked, slivered), and as flour. Almonds yield almond oil and can also be made into almond butter or almond milk. These products can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes.

Calories in almonds & nutrition facts

Do you know how many calories in almonds? Yes, almonds are fairly high in calories, in every 100 gr of almonds contains 576 calories. To burn those calories you can do activities such as 160 mins walking or 66 mins jogging, or also swimming for 48 mins or cycling for 88 mins. Even almonds has high enough calories, but it is safe to eat them.

The almond contains about 26% carbohydrates (12% dietary fiber, 6.3% sugars, 0.7% starch and the rest miscellaneous carbohydrates), and may therefore be made into flour for cakes and cookies (biscuits) for low-carbohydrate diets. A standard serving of almond flour, 1 cup, contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, of which 10 g is dietary fiber, for a net of 10 g of carbohydrate per cup. This makes almond flour very desirable for use in cake and bread recipes by people on carbohydrate-restricted diets.

Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, containing 26 mg per 100 g (Table). About 20 percent of raw almond is high quality protein, a third of which are essential amino acids. An ounce of almonds contains 12% of necessary daily protein. They are also rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins, essential minerals and monounsaturated fat, one of the two fats which potentially may lower LDL cholesterol. Typical of nuts and seeds, almonds also contain phytosterols, associated with cholesterol-lowering properties.

The highest almonds nutrition is minerals such as copper and manganese, in every 100 gr of almond contained 0.996 mg which means meets the daily body needs 110% for copper and 2.285 mg of manganese  which mean meet the needs about 99%. The next high nutrient content are magnesium and Phosporus, for more detail you can read almonds nutritional value table that based from USDA National Nutrient database below.
Almonds nutritional value 

15 magnificent health benefits of almonds

By eating nuts regularly can prevent coronary heart disease, because almonds have the effect of lowering cholesterol levels. Recent research has shown that the addition of almonds on a number of different food turned out to donate a positive effect on heart health.This is because the benefits of Almonds can lower the glycemic response to food and reduce oxidative damage of food. Due almonds also contain monounsaturated fats and are antioxidants. In addition, the skin of almonds also contain about 30 different antioxidant compounds that give many different health benefits. And here are the other health benefits of almonds:

Lowering LDL Cholesterol
Almonds contain mono-unsaturated fat and poly-unsaturated fat, which can lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).

Reduce Risk of Hypertension
Almonds are known to contain lots of potassium which plays an important role in controlling blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Reduce Risk of Osteoporosis
Almonds contain a lot of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus which maintain bone density, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones).

Sources of energy
Almonds are an excellent source of energy. Almonds provide energy for the body, such as protein, vitamin B2, copper and manganese. All these substances are very important to help you lose weight because the body can make staying active longer without consuming calories from fat food sources.

Maintain Digestive Health
Almonds contain fiber food (dietary fiber), which aid digestion so it helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
Almonds contain phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol stigmasterol, and campesterol are thought to contribute to cardiovascular health. Eating almonds can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Cancer prevention
Almond increase the movement of food through the colon, thereby preventing colon cancer.

Protection against diabetes
Almonds also help in reducing the rise in sugar and insulin levels after meals. It is good for protection from diabetes.

Good for the brain
Almonds are a source of nutrients that can help brain development. Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an important food for growing children. Many mothers give almonds soaked in water to their children every day in the morning. 2-3 pieces of soaked almonds, outer skin may also be removed to avoid allergies.

Prevent birth defects
Almonds contain folic acid which has a very important role for the growth of cells and tissue. By eating almonds during pregnancy will help the growth of fetal tissue so that the fetus will not experience a disability at birth.

Controlling Body Weight 
Manganese, copper and Riboflavin which found in almond seeds play an important role in helping to control body metabolism. good metabolism can reduce the accumulation of calories in the form of body fat. Eating almonds can reduce the risk of overweight.

Protect the body from free radical damage
Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, which are antioxidants that prevent cell damage from free radicals.

Smooth Skin
Almond milk is widely used in soap products for the skin. Vitamin E which found in almonds nutritious seeds nourish and soften the skin.

Natural moisturizer
Created pure almond oil is a natural moisturizer to protect the skin against dryness. The almond oil by provide natural foods as well as restore the dead skin cells.

Strengthen hair
Almond oil contained in the act effective when treating hair loss and increase hair growth.

Almonds culinary use, servings and storage tips

Along with other nuts, almonds can be sprinkled over breakfasts and desserts, particularly muesli or ice cream based dishes. Almonds are used in marzipan, nougat, many pastries (including jesuites), cookies (including French macarons, macaroons), and cakes (including financiers), noghl and other sweets and desserts. They are also used to make almond butter, a spread similar to peanut butter, popular with peanut allergy sufferers and for its naturally sweeter taste. The young, developing fruit of the almond tree can be eaten whole ("green almonds") when they are still green and fleshy on the outside and the inner shell has not yet hardened. The fruit is somewhat sour, but is a popular snack in parts of the Middle East, eaten dipped in salt to balance the sour taste. Available only from mid April to mid June in the northern hemisphere, pickling or brining extends the fruit's shelf life.

Almond serving and storage tips taken from
Almonds are available in the markets' year around. In the stores, however, different forms of nuts are sold such as shelled, un-shelled (without outer shell), salted, sweetened, or powdered, etc. Try to buy completely shelled or unshelled raw nuts instead of processed ones.

While buying, look for the nuts that feature bright brown color; compact and uniform in size, and feel heavy in hand. They should be free from cracks/cuts, mold, and spots and rancid smell.

Shelled almonds can be placed in cool dry place for years. Store un-shelled nuts inside airtight container and place in the refrigerator to avoid them turn rancid.