The most popular vitamin A from foods is carrots, but you should know that there are still many foods that also a good source of vitamin A. For your information, sweet potato is also a good source of vitamin A. Based on USDA Nutrient data base, in every 100 gr of carrots contain 16706 IU of vitamin A. Meanwhile in the same size of sweet potato, contained 14187 IU of vitamin A. If you asking why so important to pay attention about vitamin A foods? You will found the answer below.
Vitamin A plays a role in the formation of many for the human sense of sight. This vitamin helps convert the signal molecules of light received by the retina to be a projection image in our brains. Compound that plays a key role in this regard is retinol. Together with rhodopsin, retinol compound will form a complex light-sensitive pigment to transmit light signals to the brain. Therefore, a deficiency of vitamin A in the body is often fatal in the organ of vision.
Vitamin A Foods
- Carrots. Vegetable most famous as a source of vitamin A are carrots. Based on data from the USDA, in every 100 grams of carrots, contained 16 708 IU of vitamin A. Carrots are very good cooked or as a snack. Carrots are very useful when combined with tomato fruit because it contains low fat.
- Sweet Potato. Although not as popular as carrots, but you need to know that this food is also one of the best sources of vitamin A. Taken from USDA Nutrient data base, vitamin A content in every 100 gr of raw sweet potato is 14187 IU. In addition, sweet potato is also good source of other vitamins and minerals.
- Spinach. This "Popeye foods", also a good source of vitamin A. In every 100 gr of it, contained 9377 IU of vitamin A. Spinach has a high nutritional value and is extremely rich in antioxidants, especially when fresh, steamed, or quickly boiled. It is a rich source of vitamin A (and especially high in lutein), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, folate, betaine, iron, vitamin B2, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, folic acid, copper, protein, phosphorus, zinc, niacin, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Chili pepper. Hot but delicious, spices that also known as the Guinea spice, cow-horn pepper, aleva, bird pepper, or, especially in its powdered form, red pepper—is a hot chili pepper used to flavor dishes. It turns out, they also have quite number of vitamin A. Based on USDA, in every 100 gr of red or cayenne pepper, contained 41610 IU of vitamin A. It also contains vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium and manganese. However, given the very small amount of cayenne pepper typically consumed in a serving, it makes a negligible contribution to overall dietary intake of these nutrients.
- Pumpkin. The main nutrients are lutein and both alpha and beta carotene, the latter of which generates vitamin A in the body. According to USDA Nutrient data base, in every 100 gr of raw pumpkin, contained 8513 IU of vitamin A
Another vitamin A foods list can be read below:
- Cod liver oil (30000 μg)
- Liver (turkey) (8058 μg 895%), liver (beef, fish) (6500 μg 722%), liver (chicken) (3296 μg 366%)
- Dandelion greens (5588 IU 112%)
- Broccoli leaf (800 μg 89%)
- Broccoli florets (31 μg 3%)
- Butter (684 μg 76%)
- Kale (681 μg 76%)
- Collard greens (333 μg 37%)
- Cheddar cheese (265 μg 29%)
- Cantaloupe melon (169 μg 19%)
- Egg (140 μg 16%)
- Apricot (96 μg 11%)
- Papaya (55 μg 6%)
- Mango (38 μg 4%)
- Pea (38 μg 4%)
- Milk (28 μg 3%)
- Tomatoes
- Seaweed
Vitamin A can also protect the body from foreign organisms infections, such as bacterial pathogens. This defense mechanism is included in the external immune system, because the immune system, originating from outside the body. This vitamin will increase the work activity of white blood cells and antibodies in the body so that the body becomes more resistant to the toxin compounds against invading microorganisms and parasites, such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Beta carotene, a form of vitamin A, is a compound with antioxidant activity that can counteract free radicals. The compound is a lot of free radicals derived from the oxidation reactions in the body and in the environment of pollutants that enter the body. The antioxidants in the body to prevent damage to the genetic material (DNA and RNA) by free radicals so that the rate of mutation can be suppressed. The decrease in the mutation rate will lead to a reduced risk of cancer cell formation. The antioxidant activity is also closely related to the prevention of aging process, especially in the skin cells.
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Writen by:
Mr Soed - Sunday, March 9, 2014