Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Macadamia Nuts Nutrition And Magnificent Health Benefits

The highest macadamia nutrition are vitamins and minerals, such as Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Thiamin and small amounts of other vitamins.One of macadamia nuts benefits is lowering cholesterol level, this benefits based on a study at the University of Newcastle, involving subjects with high cholesterol levels. The study found that respondents who ate macadamia nuts showed significant reduction in blood serum cholesterol, total blood triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and blood clotting. Calories in every 100 gr of macadamia nuts based on USDA Nutrient data base is 718 calories.

Macadamia nuts contain 80% monounsaturated fats that can reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). Macadamia is one of the few plants that contain palmitoleic acid (omega-7), which help the body's metabolic functions, suppresses the appetite and helps the body to burn fat faster, which means, Macadamia very well used as Natural Food Diet. Macadamia also contains Vitamin E which acts as an anti-oxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. Macadamia also contains Thiamine which functions change carbohydrates into energy and maintain the healthy functioning of the nervous system.

Macadamia nuts nutrition facts

Macadamia nutritional value per 100 gr
Based on USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 718 kcal 
Carbohydrates : 13.82 g 
Protein : 7.91 g 
Total Fat : 75.77 g 
Cholesterol : 0 mg 
Dietary Fiber : 8.6 g 
Total sugars : 4.57 g 
Water : 1.36 g 

Folates : 29 µg 
Niacin : 0.593 mg 
Riboflavin : 0.034 mg 
Thiamin : 0.046 mg 
Vitamin A : 1496 IU 
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.060 mg 
Vitamin C : 16 mg 
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 05 mg 
Vitamin K : 0 µg 

Calcium : 85 mg 
Iron : 3.69 mg 
Magnesium : 130 mg 
Potassium : 368 mg 
Phosphorus : 188 mg 
Sodium : 5 mg 
Zinc : 1.30 mg 

Saturated fatty acids : 12.061 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 58.877 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 1.502 g

Macadamia nuts benefits

  1. Lowering cholesterol levels: Macadamia nuts contain the largest amount of monounsaturated fat (MUFA) per serving which is very good for a healthy heart. Monounsaturated fats are very good for lowering LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure. A study from Pennsylvania State University, found that people who added macadamia nuts to the diet can reduce levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol.
  2. Reduce the risk of heart disease: As mentioned above, macadamia nuts can reduce cholesterol and the risk of coronary heart disease in patients with high cholesterol levels.

Based on wikipedia, compared to other common edible seeds such as almonds and cashews, macadamias are high in fat and low in protein. They have the highest amount of monounsaturated fats of any known seed and contain approximately 22% of omega-7 palmitoleic acid, which has biological effects similar to monounsaturated fat. They also contain 9% protein, 9% carbohydrate, and 2% dietary fiber, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, selenium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.

Macadamias are toxic to dogs. Ingestion may result in macadamia toxicosis, which is marked by weakness and hind limb paralysis with the inability to stand, occurring within 12 hours of ingestion. Depending on the quantity ingested and size of the dog, symptoms may also include muscle tremors, joint pain and severe abdominal pain. In high doses of toxin, opiate medication may be required for symptom relief until the toxic effects diminish. Full recovery is usually within 24 to 48 hours.
Monday, February 24, 2014

11 Magnificent Benefits Of Tomato Nutrition For Health & Beauty

Tomato nutrition provides many health benefits, particularly its vitamin C content is high. Vitamin C in the body, is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, an important structural component of blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter, norepinephrine. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are nutrients that have a function to block some of the damage caused by free radicals, which are produced by the body when doing the process of changing food into energy. Antioxidants also reduce damage to the body caused by toxic substances and pollution.

Another high tomato nutrition based on our daily needs is manganese, manganese are minerals from foods that have health benefits for the body, such as building healthy bone structure, bone metabolism, and help create the essential enzymes for building bones. It also works as a coenzyme to assist metabolic activity in the human body. several other benefits including manganese formation of connective tissue, absorption of calcium, proper functioning of the thyroid gland and reproductive hormones, regulating blood sugar levels, and fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Tomato juice has many benefits 
Tomato juice has several benefits to maintain a healthy body, such as:  
  • Tomatoes when processed as juice, still serves as the highest source of antioxidants. Lycopene effective against free radicals and all types of cancer. Lycopene content is what our body really needs.
  • Tomato fruit in the form of beverages such as juices, can also reduce cholesterol and maintain heart health. Lycopene which became the highest antioxidants, capable of preventing lipid oxidation, thus preventing cardiovascular disease

Tomato nutrition facts

Potato (orange, raw) nutritional value per 100 gr
Source: USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 16 kcal
Carbohydrates : 3.l8 g
Protein : 1.16 g
Total Fat : 0.19 g
Cholesterol : 0 mg
Dietary Fiber : 0.9 g
Total sugars : 0 g
Water : 94.78 g

Folates : 29 µg
Niacin : 0.593 mg
Riboflavin : 0.034 mg
Thiamin : 0.046 mg
Vitamin A : 1496 IU
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.060 mg
Vitamin C : 16 mg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 05 mg
Vitamin K : 0 µg

Calcium : 5 mg
Iron : 0.47 mg
Magnesium : 8 mg
Potassium : 212 mg
Phosphorus : 29 mg
Sodium : 42 mg
Zinc : 0.14 mg

Saturated fatty acids : 0.025 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.028 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.076 g

11 health benefits of tomatoes

  1. Neutralize free radicals in the body: Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C are responsible for neutralizing harmful free radicals in the blood. 

  2. Against cancer cells: Tomatoes has lycopene content, a number of studies have shown that high levels of lycopene in tomato works to reduce the risk of cancer, particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, oral cancer, and stomach cancer. 

  3. Reduce risk of heart disease: In addition to preventing cancer, lycopene in tomatoes also provide cardiovascular benefits. The researchers found that women who consume 7-10 servings of foods rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes every week had a 29% lower risk of heart disease when compared to women who ate less than 1.5 servings of tomatoes each week. 

  4. Low cholesterol: High intake of tomatoes, significantly reducing the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Research has also shown the ability to increase circulation to resist oxidation of LDL cholesterol. 

  5. Reducing high blood pressure: Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin B and potassium are effective in reducing high blood pressure. Therefore, by include tomatoes in the daily diet, can effectively prevent strokes and heart attacks. 

  6. Protect against liver disease: Tomatoes are rich in chlorine and sulfur, which keeps the liver functioning properly. It also protects the liver from congestion and may also help in dissolving gallstones. 

  7. Purify the blood & cleaning toxins from the body: The presence of antioxidants in tomatoes is known to cleanse toxins from the body. The content of tomatoes has been recognized for its blood purifying properties. 

  8. Fixing damage caused by smoking: Tomatoes contain chlorogenic and coumaric acid, which helps protect the body from carcinogens (cancer-causing substances, which are usually derived from tobacco smoke). 

  9. Protects against infection: Being a natural anti-septic, tomatoes may help protect the body against various infections. 

  10. Strengthen bones: Tomatoes contain high amounts of vitamin K, which maintain bone strength and health. 

  11. Improving your vision: Tomatoes contain vitamin A, which helps to improve vision and prevent vision problems associated with macular degeneration and night blindness.

Benefits of tomatoes for beauty

In addition to its health benefits, tomatoes also has benefits for beauty. Vitamin A in tomatoes helps keep the hair shiny and strong. Tomatoes can be good facial mask, peel the tomatoes and then gently rub the area full of blackheads. This will restore the skin's natural glow and also reduce dark spots. Tomatoes also popular vegetables that can get rid of acne or pimples.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

7 Wondrous Benefits of Carrots & Nutrition Facts Who May Have Never Heard Of

Carrots nutrition that very popular is vitamin A, which will gives benefits to maintain eye health. Actually there are still many health benefits of carrots that you never know before, such as, to keep teeth healthy, reduce stroke attack, prevent cancer and many more. It is true that in every 100 gr of carrots will gives you more than enough to meet daily needs of vitamin A. Based on USDA nutrient data base, it will provides 16706 IU of vitamin A. In addition to vitamin A, there are also vitamins B1, B3, B6, C, K, fiber, potassium, manganese, molybdenum, magnesium, folate, and phosphorus. Benefits of carrots is not separated from the content of beta-carotene found in it.

Carrots are a popular type of vegetable after potatoes, edible part of a carrot is the root. Carrot that have a binomial name Daucus carota, is a type of vegetable grown throughout the year, especially in mountainous areas that have cold temperatures and humid, at an altitude of approximately 1200 meters above sea level. Carrots can be eaten in many ways. In raw carrots, only 3% β-ririencha released during the digestive process, this process can be increased up to 39% by pulping, cooking and adding palm oil. Can also be made by way of carrot juice, and vitamin content is almost the same as the carrots are eaten just like that.

Carrots Nutrition Facts

Carrots (raw) nutritional value per 100 gr 
Source: USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 41 kcal
Carbohydrates : 9.58 g
Protein : 0.93 g
Total lipid (Fat) : 0.24 g
Dietary Fiber : 2.85 g
Total sugars : 4.74 g
Water : 88.29 g

Folates : 19 µg
Niacin : 0.983 mg
Riboflavin : 0.058 mg
Thiamin : 0.066 mg
Vitamin A : 16706 IU
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.138 mg
Vitamin C : 5.9 mg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 0.66 mg
Vitamin K : 13.2 µg

Calcium : 33 mg
Iron : 0.30 mg
Magnesium : 12 mg
Potassium : 320 mg
Phosphorus : 35 mg
Sodium : 69 mg
Zinc : 0.24 mg

Saturated fatty acids : 0.037 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.014 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.117 g

7 benefits of carrots for health

  1. Anti-cancer: Research conducted at the State University of New York showed that people that have low levels of beta-carotene, risk of developing lung cancer. Therefore, it is recommended that smokers consume carrots and other foods high carotene to prevent lung cancer. Apparently, in addition to lung cancer, beta-carotene and other compounds also are antioxidants in carrots can prevent cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, urinary tract, pancreas, and breast. For the benefit of carrots as anticancer, carrots should be cooked so that the carotenes compounds could be released. With cooked, carotenes levels rose 2-5 times more.

  2. Lowering cholesterol levels: Research conducted at Harvard University, U.S., found that those who ate carrots 5 x week, lowering the risk of stroke by 68%. While research at the University of Brussels known vitamin A contained in carrots can prevent disability and death from stroke. It is estimated, decreasing cholesterol levels because the content of calcium pectate, a type of soluble fiber.

  3. Preventing Heart Disease: Studies show that a diet high in carotenoids associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots not only contain beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein. Eating carrots regularly can reduce cholesterol levels because soluble fiber binds with bile acids carrots. 

  4. Cleaning Toxins In The Body: Vitamin A helps the liver in flushing toxins from the body, thereby reducing the bile and fat in the liver. Fiber in carrots helps cleanse the colon and speed up the movement of waste. 
  5. Carrots For Healthy Teeth and Gums: Carrots clean the teeth and mouth to scrape plaque and food particles such as toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate the gums and lead to a lot of saliva, which became alkaline, acid-forming. Minerals in carrots prevent tooth decay.

  6. Preventing Stroke: From all the above benefits is not surprising that in a study at Harvard University, people that ate more than six carrots a week are less likely to suffer a stroke than those that ate only one carrot a month or less.

  7. Benefits of Carrot Juice: Carrot juice is useful as an anti-inflammatory and refreshing the skin. Can help prevent cancer, help tarnish spots on the skin, is able to cope with rough skin spots and pigmentation due. Anti-acne and good for maintaining healthy skin and tissue, diarrhea, arthritis, and problems in pregnancy, childbirth, eyes and respiratory system.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Peanuts Nutrition Facts & Amazing Benefits For Health

Peanut nutrition is very beneficial for health, because its rich in fat, protein, iron, vitamin E and calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B complex, vitamins A and K, lecithin, choline and calcium. Protein content in peanuts is much higher than meat, eggs and soya beans. Peanuts or in scientific language called as Arachis hypogaea L is a leguminous plant of the family Fabaceae or legume. Its also said contain ingredients that can give health benefits in preventing several diseases. Consuming one ounce of nuts five times a week reported can prevent heart disease. Peanuts work improving cardiac pumping ability and lower resoki coronary heart disease.

Peanuts contain Omega 3 which are polyunsaturated fats and Omega 9 which is a monounsaturated fat. In 1 ounce of peanuts, there are 18 grams and 17 grams of Omega 3 Omega 9. Peanuts contain a phytosterol that it can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, by restraining the absorption of cholesterol from food is circulated in the blood and reduce the re-absorption of cholesterol from the liver, and maintain HDL cholesterol. Peanuts also contain arginine can stimulate the body to produce nitrogen monoxide, which works to fight the tuberculosis bacteria.

Peanuts Nutrition Facts

Peanuts (all types, raw) nutritional value per 100 gr
Source: USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 567 kcal 
Carbohydrates : 16.13 g 
Protein : 25.80 g 
Total lipid (Fat) : 49.24 g 
Dietary Fiber : 8.5 g 
Total sugars : 3.97 g 
Water : 6.50 g 

Folates : 240 µg 
Niacin : 12.066 mg 
Riboflavin : 0.135 mg 
Thiamin : 0.640 mg 
Vitamin A : 0 IU 
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.348 mg 
Vitamin C : 0 mg 
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 8.33 mg 
Vitamin K : 0 µg 

Calcium : 92 mg 
Iron : 4.58 mg 
Magnesium : 168 mg 
Potassium : 705 mg 
Phosphorus : 376 mg 
Sodium : 18 mg 
Zinc : 3.27 mg 

Saturated fatty acids : 6.834 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 24.429 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 15.559 g

10 Peanuts Health Benefits

  1. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Peanuts contain a phytosterol called beta-sitosterol that helps prevent the growth of tumors.

  2. Reduce Risk of Heart Disease: Peanuts contain a lot of monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fat) and oleic acid that is friendly to the heart.

  3. Improve Brain Memory: Peanuts contain vitamin B3 or niacin is known to help improve brain memory. Niacin also serves to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

  4. Strengthen Bones and Teeth: Peanuts contain calcium which is needed for the formation of healthy bones and teeth.

  5. Prevent Anemia: Peanuts contain iron which is essential in the formation of red blood cells. Iron deficiency can cause anemia.

  6. Helps Maintain Healthy Fetus: Peanuts contain lots of folate, which is known to be beneficial for the health of the fetus and to prevent birth defects.

  7. Helps Control Blood Glucose: Peanuts contain minerals manganese known to participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, calcium absorption and blood glucose control.

  8. Reduce Depression: Peanuts contain a lot of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is important for the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical involved in mood control. During a depression, less serotonin is released from nerve cells. Tryptophan may enhance the antidepressant effects of serotonin in the event of an increase in the amount of serotonin in the blood.

  9. Helps Muscle Formation: Peanuts contain proteins that are useful for building muscle especially those in its infancy. Protein also in metabolism to produce energy.

  10. Skin Care: Peanuts are like an vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect healthy skin from damage by free radicals.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

5 Amazing Flaxseed Oil Benefits For Health & Nutrition Facts

You probably will not believe that flaxseed provides so many amazing benefits for your health. Benefits of flaxseed, due to its Omega 3 content. Flax seed is most highest natural foods that contain Omega 3 among other foods, you only need 1 to 2 tbsp of it to meet daily requirement of Omega 3. Levels of Omega-3 in flax seed about 15 times more when compared with salmon, and does not contain cholesterol, because it comes from vegetable sources. Scientists from Duke University Medical Center, USA, has released the results of research that foods containing Flax seed tend to shrink tumor size and malignancy. The study was conducted on mice genetically to have prostate cancer.

Since ancient times, flaxseed oil is believed to help to maintain the stability of the body's health, preventative medicine for all illnesses. Flax seed contains lignans, estrogen-like chemicals that act as antioxidants more than other grains. Another flaxseed nutrition such as protein, vitamins A, E, D, and vitamin B. Not only that, flax seeds are also rich in sodium, calcium, fiber, and iron. 

Hippocrates already eating and writing about the benefits of flax seed since 500 BC, but the efficacy of the new flaxseed popular in recent years. In the Western world, flaxseed oil is used to treat diseases related to the heart (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and angina), healthy nails, hair, and skin, reduce inflammation in the tissues (including acne), cope with menstrual pain and pramenopouse syndrome, disorders of the brain and nerves (including autism, ADHA, and nerve damage caused by diabetes).

5 Flax seed benefits

  1. Improving health and brain function: Flaxseed improves memory, providing a calm mood and concentration. More than 20% of our brain is composed of fatty substances that perform vital functions for the body. Fatty membranes that encase the brain cells contain fatty acids that serve to convey and receive messages from all organs of the body. Omega-3 fatty acid is one nutrient that is essential for our brains to be able to perform the task as more optimal body operators, as well as educate the child's brain.
  2. Boost immunity against bacteria and viruses: The content of Omega-3 and Lignans in Flaxseed, useful to improve the health of the body's cells. Including vital substances eicosanoids and cytokines that have a role in controlling and improving immunity against excessive stimuli. Also several disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.
  3. Controlling blood sugar levels: Flaxseed contains 3 components that can lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes. Ie the fiber that our body needs daily, lignans and Omega-3 fatty acids. Results of research conducted in Canada on 6 healthy individuals showed that after eating bread made from Flaxseed, blood sugar levels decreased 28% compared with eating bread that does not contain Flaxseed.
  4. Lowering blood pressure: The content of Omega-3 fatty acids in Flaxseed is high, the system relaxes blood vessels, resulting in high blood pressure will drop naturally. But not drastically, which can make people weak. As for people whose blood pressure is normal, Flaxseed not lowers blood pressure (dual regulation). Flaxseed fiber is also useful to bind cholesterol and throw it out of the body.
  5. Improving kidney health: From the results of clinical trials, Flaxseed may reduce inflammation and improve renal function in patients who experienced disease SLE (Systematic Lupus Erythematosus). In clinical trials, patients given Flaxseed 15 g, 30 g or 45 g per day for 4 weeks.

Flax seed oil nutrition facts

Flax seed oil (contains added sliced flaxseed) nutritional value per 100 g
Source : USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 878 kcal 
Carbohydrates : 0.39 g 
Protein : 0.37 g 
Total lipid (Fat) : 99.01 g 
Water : 0.16 g 

Vitamin E : 0.71 mg 
Vitamin K : 3.3 µg 

Calcium : 9 mg 
Iron : 0.34 mg 
Magnesium : 15 mg 
Phosphorus : 27 mg 
Zinc : 0.31 mg 
Sodium : 6 mg 
Potassium : 31 mg 

Saturated fatty acids : 9.047 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 20.634 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 64.876 g 
Fatty acids, total trans : 0.184
Cholesterol : 0
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

10 Incredible Cabbage Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts To Fight Cancer

Cabbage nutrition will gives you health benefits start from increasing immunity to prevent cancer. Cabbage contains anti-cancer compounds and a source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and minerals, calcium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium and sulfur. The fiber content in cabbage is very high, so as to minimize the risk of cancer of the stomach and intestines. Cabbage can be eaten raw or cooked, has a utility to reduce the occurrence of colon cancer by 66%. Another benefit of cabbage is to prevent and cure ulcers, stimulate immunity, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and can prevent infection.

Cabbage is a vegetable which include the type of Brassica or cruciferous family, which also includes broccoli, kale, and cauliflower. These vegetables can be grown in any type of soil, but it grows especially well in fertile soil, the more fertile the soil, the faster the growth. Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables and is believed to originate from Asia and the Mediterranean. Present, cabbage is one of the most widely cultivated crops worldwide in tropical and semitropical regions.

Cabbage Nutrition Facts

Raw cabbage  nutritional value per 100 gr
Suource : USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 25 kcal
Carbohydrates : 5.8 g
Protein : 1.28 g
Total Fat : 0.10 g
Cholesterol : 0 mg
Dietary Fiber : 2.5 g
Total sugars : 3.20 g
Water : 92.18 g

Folates : 43 µg
Niacin : 0.234 mg
Riboflavin : 0.040 mg
Thiamin : 0.061 mg
Vitamin A : 98 IU
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.124 mg
Vitamin C : 36.6 mg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 0.15 mg
Vitamin K : 76 µg

Calcium : 40 mg
Iron : 0.47 mg
Magnesium : 12 mg
Potassium : 170 mg
Phosphorus : 26 mg
Sodium : 18 mg 
Zinc : 0.18 mg

Saturated fatty acids : 0.034 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.017
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.017 mg

10 incredible health benefits of cabbage

  1. Cabbage may prevent cancer growth: Cabbage contains a cancer-fighting properties, including lupeol, sinigrin, diindolylmethane (DIM), indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and sulforaphane, which may help the defense enzymes and inhibits tumor growth. I3C and sulforaphane compounds in cabbage, both have been shown to enhance the anti-cancer effects of Taxol (a chemotherapy drug). One study of Chinese women found that the consumption of vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts) is associated with breast cancer risk is significantly reduced.

  2. Maintaining the gastric: Cabbage is one of the best natural remedies for inflammation of the stomach (called gastric ulcer). A study at Stanford University School of Medicine found that fresh cabbage juice is very effective in treating peptic ulcers. Anti-inflammatory properties of cabbage is due to the high content of glutamine in it.

  3. Cabbage may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease: Recent research shows that eating red cabbage can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Red cabbage contains vitamin C and anthocyanins, anti-oxidants to help reduce plaque in the brain, which can help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

  4. Lose weight: Cabbage is a good dietary choice for those who want to lose weight. One cup of cooked cabbage contains only 33 calories. That is why people who diet cabbage soup can be eaten in large quantities of soup without gaining weight, while still staying healthy.

  5. Cabbage may boost the immune system: Due to the high amount of vitamin C, cabbage helps strengthen the immune system and help the body fight free radicals. 

  6. Anti-inflammatory: Cabbage is a good source of the amino acids glutamine and is believed to help those who suffer from all kinds of inflammation.

  7. Repairing cells and body tissues: Cabbage is rich in vitamin E, which served as a key element in the repair of cells and tissues in the body. Not only that, the vitamin E in cabbage could also accelerate metabolism. Cabbage can also increase more antibodies.

  8. Cabbage is able to prevent premature aging: Cabbage contains vitamin C and keep the skin to remain young, and slow the aging process.

  9. Maintaining eye health: Vitamin A in cabbage helps nourish the eyes and maintain eye health. Eating cabbage since childhood will reduce the possibility of a person wearing glasses as an adult.

  10. Streamlining the digestive system: High fiber content in cabbage serves as a stimulant digestive system and prevent constipation.
Though cabbage has many health benefits, but do not consume it in excessive amounts. Because, goitrins content may disturb the balance of iodine in the blood, it can occur in people who suffer from ulcers, gastritis and flatulence. Consuming excess cabbage that will lead to the formation of gas in the stomach.
Health Fame Nutrition, Vegetables
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Grapes Nutrition & Magnificent Health Benefits As Sexual Arousal Plant Foods

The highest grapes nutrition that gives us health benefits is vitamin C, as we know vitamin C is an antioxidants. Vitamin C in grapes, also good to form collagen, gum health, increase endurance, and accelerate wound healing. Sugar content is a source of instant energy. In addition, grapes is also believed to be an aphrodisiac (sexual arousal plant foods). The content of boron in wine can also prevent osteoporosis. In the grape, there are a lot of polyphenols and resveratrol compounds that play a role in the metabolism of the body. Not only that, the anti-oxidant compounds in the grapes can counteract free radicals.

Grapes have been used in the medical field since thousands of years ago. Beverage made from grapes also been very popular as a way to maintain a healthy heart. In addition, the ancient European  herbalists, have made use of some sort of ointment prepared from grapes to treat various diseases of the skin and eyes. And after the modern era, scientific evidence began to emerge about the benefits of these grapes. One is regarding the efficacy of grapefruit seed extract to the eye, which is to improve vision and prevent eye disease.

Grapes Nutrition Facts

European Grapes type (red or green, such as Thompson seedless, raw) 
Nutritional value per 100 gr
Suource : USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 69 kcal
Carbohydrates : 18.10 g
Protein : 0.72 g
Total Fat : 0.16 g
Cholesterol : 0 mg
Dietary Fiber : 0.9 g
Total sugars : 15.48 g
Water : 80.54 g

Folates : 2 µg
Niacin : 0.188 mg
Riboflavin : 0.070 mg
Thiamin : 0.069 mg
Vitamin A : 66 IU
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.086 mg
Vitamin C : 3.2 mg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 0.19 mg
Vitamin K : 14.6 µg

Calcium : 10 mg
Iron : 0.36 mg
Magnesium : 7 mg
Potassium : 191 mg
Phosphorus : 20mg
Sodium : 2 mg
Zinc : 0.07 mg

Saturated fatty acids : 0.054 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.007
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.048 mg

11 magnificent benefits of grapes

  • Reduce the risk of heart disease: Consuming grapes regularly can boost levels of nitric oxide in the body. Increased levels of nitric oxide in the body, may prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. The content of antioxidants in grapes can also stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which can inhibit blood vessel.

  • Eliminate disturbances in the body's digestive and kidney: Consuming grapes is very good to protect the body from indigestion. Grapes also good for removing acid in the kidneys. So that kidney health can be maintained. 

  • Preventing breast cancer and migraines: The habit of consuming grapes juice can reduce the risk of contracting breast cancer body. Consumption of pure grapes juice without water mixture is also useful for treating migraine.

  • Controlling blood cholesterol levels: Pterostilbene is a compound in grapes, which could play a role in lowering blood cholesterol levels, in addition, saponin present in grape skins that play a role in cholesterol absorption. 

  • Treating constipation: The content of sugar, cellulose, and organic acid in grapes, acts as a laxative, so the consumption of grapes are believed to treat a bowel obstruction or better known as constipation.

  • Overcoming Insomnia: An Italian study showed that grapes contain a compound melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the human sleep hours. That way, people with insomnia may wish to consume grapes can treat sleep problems. 

  • Inhibiting Cancer Cells: Antioxidant properties, compounds petrostilbene, acutimissin A, resveratrol, and ellagic acid which is quite high in grapes, demonstrated its ability in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

  • Slows premature aging: Seed and grapes skin contains a lot of antioxidants. The content of antioxidants contained in it is very strong to delay aging. You can also insert this fruit into your breakfast on a regular basis.

  • Good for people with asthma: Grapes have assimiratory strength that helps increase the levels of water in the lungs. It is certainly good for asthmatics because it can reduce the problem of shortness of breath. 

  • Protect your eyes from cataracts: Flavonoids in grapes play a role in keeping the eye from damage caused by free radicals that cause cataracts

  • Protect the body from infection: Antivirus and The content of antibacterial in grapes may protect the body from infection.

Grapes selection tips
  1. Make sure you pick the grapes are still attached to the stem or stalk. Because if the grapes that have been detached from the stalk, certainly injured or separate part of the stem will make the grapes becomes wilted and not fresh. 
  2. Make sure you do not pick the grapes that have been wrinkled and flabby, because it is definitely not fresh anymore.
  3. Make sure you do not choose grapes that has a hole or injured in the flesh because it will make the fruit becomes fresh and soft. 
  4. When choosing grapes, choose a bright colored and no streaks. For example, yellowish green then all the fruit on the stalk should be yellowish green. Because if there is a different color that indicates the fruit is not fully ripe.
  5. Choose grapes that meat is still solid and tight skin, because it indicates that the grapes is still fresh. 
  6. Do not choose grapes that skin feels sticky, because it indicates that grapes is not fresh anymore. 
  7. If you want grapes that has a high water content, pay attention to the skin. The thinner the skin, then you will get higher water content. 
  8. To choose a grapes that has a high anti-oxidant then choosing the wine really mature by the tips above.

Grapes storage tips
To keep freshness of the grapes, when you buy fresh grapes, immediately store the grapes is still attached to the stalk into the refrigerator with plastic wrap first. This is to avoid the effect of the reduction of the moisture content of the refrigerator directly to the grapes that we save.

Tips on how to consume grapes 
If you want to consume grapes, grape must first wash in cold running water. It is intended to eliminate the pesticides that may still be attached to the skin of grapes.
Friday, February 7, 2014

Complete Eggs Nutrition & 10 Incredible Health Benefits

Most popular eggs nutrition is protein, actually there are another nutrients content that can give us benefits for health. In fact, the egg should be considered as a super food because it can improve health and overcome obesity. Nutritionists say that eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient content of whole eggs contain more than 90% of calcium and iron in the egg yolk part and in one egg contains 6 grams of high quality protein and 9 essential amino acids.

Egg white (chicken) contain a variety of active substances which are very efficacious to maintain, care for and provide additional nutrients to the skin pores. So for those who like to do a facial treatment is recommended to use egg white, egg white mask is also a solution for those of you who want to get rid of acne scars. Eggs contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Chicken eggs are also the cheapest source of protein meal complete. One large chicken egg contains approximately 7 grams of protein. 

The content of vitamins A, D and E are in the yolk. Eggs are known to be one of the few foods that contain vitamin D. One large egg yolk contains about 60 calories and egg white contains about 15 calories. One large egg yolk contains two-thirds of the recommended daily amount of cholesterol is 300 mg. The fat in eggs is also found in egg yolk. One egg yolk also contains half the recommended daily amount of choline. Choline is a nutrient that is essential for brain development and also very important for pregnant and nursing women to ensure the development of the fetal brain.

Eggs Nutrition Facts

Egg (whole, raw, fresh) nutritional value per 100 gr
Source : USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 143 kcal 
Carbohydrates : 0.72 g 
Protein : 12.56 g 
Total Fat : 9.51 g 
Dietary Fiber : 0 g 
Water : 76.15 g 
Total sugar : 0.37 g 

Folates : 47 µg 
Niacin : 0.075 mg 
Riboflavin : 0.457 mg 
Thiamin : 0.040 mg 
Vitamin A : 540 IU 
Pyridoxine : 0.170 mg 
Vitamin C : 0 
Vitamin D : 82 IU 
Vitamin E : 1.05 mg 
Vitamin K : 0.3 µg 

Calcium : 56 mg 
Iron : 1.75 mg 
Magnesium : 12 mg 
Phosphorus : 198 mg 
Zinc : 1.29 mg 
Sodium : 142 mg 
Potassium : 138 mg 

Saturated fatty acids : 3.126 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 3.658 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 1.911 g 
Trans fatty acids : 0.038 g
Cholesterol : 372 mg

10 incredible benefits of eggs for health

  1. Egg prevent blood clots: Egg consumption may lower the risk of heart attack or stroke. A study published in the biological and pharmaceutical Bulletin found that the protein in the egg yolk is not only potentially inhibit blood pooling but also extend the time the conversion of fibrinogen blood protein, into fibrin yarns.

  2. Maintaining brain health: Eggs also contain choline which is vital for health. Choline is a key component of fat-containing structures in cells the membrane, which is its flexibility and integrity depend on the supply of choline.

  3. Good for pregnant women: Choline is an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250 milligrams of choline, or roughly half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant and lactating women.

  4. Maintaining stamina: Raw eggs are consumed, not only maintain hormonal balance, accelerate metabolism, and launch the circulatory system, but also maintain stamina and overall health. 

  5. Curing lung disorders: In some cases, eating raw eggs were also potent cure disorders of the lungs, especially with emphysema.

  6. Healthy heart: Raw eggs are also rich in antioxidants that play a role in maintaining cardiovascular health. In the two raw eggs, two times more antioxidant content higher than one apple. 

  7. Help build muscle: High protein content in eggs can make a strong body build muscle and contained.

  8. Prevent cancer and heart disease: There is an important content in the egg yolk that are beneficial to health. A study also revealed that these compounds could prevent cancer and heart disease. 

  9. Eye health: The content of carotenoids in egg yolk, particularly carotenoids lutein danzeaxanthin, very beneficial for eye health. According to the researchers, this Carotenoids, which is the pigment that gives color to the yellow yolk, can lower the risk of age-related degeneration and cataracts. This substance acts as an antioxidant for the eyes, fight free radicals that can damage some parts of the retina that can affect the eye's ability to focus.

  10. Keeping weight to stay balanced: Eggs are the best source of complete protein containing all the essential amino acids for the human body. They help control the rate at which the body absorbs calories. When managing your weight, you should choose foods that provide the maximum amount of nutrients that have at least the amount of calories. Eggs are a great nutritional value for those trying to lose weight and keep the weight to stay healthy.
Besides 10 eggs benefits for health above, there are still many more. Here are benefits of eggs for beauty:
  • Getting rid of acne: Eggs can be used to eliminate acne. By way of using egg white as a facial acne on the face, to treat acne that is inflamed, and make the skin softer and more toned.

  • Eliminate dandruff: Eggs also have benefits for getting rid of dandruff. Apply an egg on the scalp, and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with plain water, then wash up the rest of the missing eggs. 

  • Healthy hair and nails: Eggs helps the health of hair and nails from within the body due to the high sulfur contain the eggs, and various vitamins and minerals. Those who eat regularly has hair growing faster.
For avoiding the occurrence of Salmonella poisoned, when the eggs will be consumed in a dirty, better not consumed in a raw state. But if the egg is not a problem in a clean condition. Another issue to consider in consuming eggs to adults, especially those aged 40 years or older, or who have a predisposition for coronary heart disease, is the cholesterol content in egg yolk. 

Cholesterol contained in egg yolk about 250 mg per item (in beef, there are about 75 mg per 3 ounces, inwardly approximately 370 mg / 3 ounces and in the brains of about 1700 mg / 3 ounces). Nutritionists recommend that adults consume only eggs at most 4 eggs per week.
Health Fame Healthy Foods, Nutrition
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tremendous Benefits Of Drinking Water We Need To Know

Water is one of the primary needs of human beings, but only a few people are aware of the benefits of drinking water. As written from the wikipedia site, our body has a water component by 55% to 78% water. That is why, our bodies need water to maintain the balance of health. Water in the body has the function of digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, transport nutrients, remove residual metabolism and maintain body temperature. That is why humans can survive if there is no food intake, but can not survive when water shortages.

Benefits of water for humans health

  1. Streamlining the digestive system:. Consuming adequate amounts of water each day will facilitate the digestive system so that we will avoid digestive problems such as ulcers or constipation. Burning calories will also run efficiently.

  2. Various Disease Therapies: Water also is believed to participate cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, Papas tract disease, intestinal and female diseases. Even today quite a lot of alternative treatments that utilize water potency.

  3. Lose Weight: For those who want to lose weight, drinking warm water before eating is one way to reduce the amount of food intake. Because warm water gives full effect. Moreover the water contains no calories, sugar, or fat. However it is best to drink water at medium temperature, not too hot and not too cold.

  4. Making Good Mood: Our body will feel better because the work function of organs and metabolism goes well, the self We feel healthy, that's why we feel happy. 

  5. Better Productivity at Work: Our brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps to think better, be more alert and more concentrated. 

  6. Reduces Cramps Pain and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles for lubricated, so we tend to be less susceptible to cramps and sprains, especially when we exercise.

  7. Helps remove toxins from the body: By consuming the correct amount of water per day, the poison in the body will be excreted through urine and sweat. This is certainly not going to happen if we have a constraint body is dehydrated. 

  8. Maintaining Body Fitness: Benefits of water not only to cleanse the body, but also as a substance that is required by the body. You may be able to survive food shortages less water than a few days. Because water is a major part in the composition of the human body.

  9. Preventing kidney stones: Kidney stones are actually caused by the salt, and the salt dissolves in water according to the theory. By meeting the needs of water in the body, the kidney stones will dissolve and come out with urine. 

  10. Water can help the digestive system of the body: Water is one of the intermediary is needed by the body, so as to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day, then we can help facilitate the digestive system and certainly do not overload the intestines work.
In order to function properly , the human body requires between one and seven liters of water per day to avoid dehydration . The exact number depends on the level of activity, temperature, humidity, and several other factors. Most people believe that they needs 8-10 glasses (about two liters) per day , but the results of the University of Pennsylvania study published in 2008 showed that the consumption of a number of 8 glasses is not proven much help in a healthy body. In fact sometimes for some people, if they drank more water than recommended or excessive can lead to dependence. Other medical literature suggest the consumption of one liter of water per day, in addition to when exercising or in hot weather . Drinking water is healthy, but if excessive can lead to hyponatremia that when sodium in the blood becomes too thin.
Health Fame Health Benefits