Friday, April 25, 2014

Revealing Amazing Vitamin C Benefits For Health

Vitamin C Benefits. As the water-soluble vitamins, vitamin C has many important roles in warding off many diseases. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is commonly known to have a significant role in the formation of collagen which helps boost the immune system and helps the absorption of iron. In fact, several studies have shown the benefits of vitamin C in lowering cholesterol levels and produce certain chemicals in the brain. In addition, the high content of antioxidants in vitamin C also can wipe free radicals that damage cells in the body.

To maintain and improve the health of the immune system, it is advisable to take vitamin C with doses ranging from 500 to 1,000 mg / day. To maintain the beauty of the skin needed vitamin C at a dose of 500-2000 mg / day. To reduce black spots on the skin of vitamin C is recommended to consume between 2,000 to 4,000 mg / day in the form of a buffer (not acid) that can be consumed 1-1.5 hours after eating. However, although safe in high doses and is soluble in water, there are some people who can not consume it because it has a stomach illness. This is because, most of the high doses of vitamin C can cause stomach acid reaction and lead to ulcer recurrence.

Here are the amazing benefits of vitamin C that you should know.

  1. Reduce the risk of heart attacks: Vitamin C is able to eliminate atherosclerosis in the heart. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the arteries thicken your heart and cause a heart attack can increase your blood becomes smooth. 
  2. Controlling blood pressure: High blood pressure is a dangerous disease and can cause sudden death in people who are suffering. Taking vitamin C at the recommended doses on a regular basis can reduce blood pressure and heart and kidney damage.
  3. Avoid the risk of asthma: A study shows that people who suffer from asthma usually have a less amount of vitamin C in their bodies. Therefore taking vitamin C every day can reduce shortness of breath. 
  4. Fight cancer and reduce the effects of chemotherapy: Many studies have shown that vitamin C can fight cancer in several stages. Not only that, the vitamin C can also minimize the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea.
  5. Reduce the risk of diabetes: Vitamin C is beneficial for lowering sugar levels in the body and help prevent the adverse effects of diabetes on the sufferer. Replace sugary snacks with fruit juice or other fruits that contain vitamin C. 
  6. Reduce cramping after exercise: Vitamin C can reduce pain or cramping that usually happens after you exercise. Vitamin C is also able to reduce the production of free radicals.
Vitamin C as an antioxidant in addition to the body's cells and tissue repair skin damaged by free radicals. In beauty care, vitamin C has an important role in blood circulation so that the skin looks fresher. This vitamin also stimulates the formation of collagen skin and protect it from damage. Vitamin C has properties as a water holder (save water) so as to keep the skin moist and prevent it from drying out. 

Consuming the right amounts of vitamin C on a regular basis, can inhibit the aging process, smooth the skin, while inhibiting the tyrosinase enzyme performance; an enzyme which assists the formation of pigment in the skin. If the pigmentation process is hampered, the skin look cleaner and brighter.

Sources of vitamin C can be found in fruits such as sour orange, strawberry, or pineapple, and vegetables such as broccoli, celery, and tomatoes. Besides being easily obtained from natural food ingredients, a variety of supplement products on the market can also be our preferred alternative to meet the needs of vitamin C in the body. However, keep in mind that high doses of vitamin C taken orally can cause problems in the stomach.

List Of Vitamin E Foods To Meet Your Daily Requirement

Vitamin E is one of the substances that are needed by the body, therefore, it is advisable to include foods that contain vitamin E in daily menu . Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, and has antioxidant properties. This vitamin is naturally divided into eight forms, which are categorized into types of Tocopherols and Tocotrienols. These forms are further divided into sub-categories, namely alpha, beta, gamma, delta tocopherol and Tocotrienols.

In the human body, the form of vitamin E is alpha tocopherol is the most active. Vitamin E is essential for our health, and generally help prevent and overcome some of the conditions that can occur in the skin. Antioxidant properties of Vitamin E to help ward off free radicals and keep skin fresh glowing. This vitamin also provide skin protection benefits from sun damage. Other vitamin E benefits is to keep the heart, liver and kidneys to stay healthy.

Adults need vitamin E for each day is almost 15mg. The human body can not produce its own vitamin E, so it must obtain them from outside sources or food. We can also obtain this vitamin from supplements natural, synthetic or directly from foods containing vitamin E. Below are Recommended Dietary Allowances of vitamin E, based on

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol) 
Age Males Females Pregnancy Lactation
0–6 months*4 mg
(6 IU)
4 mg
(6 IU)
7–12 months*5 mg
(7.5 IU)
5 mg
(7.5 IU)
1–3 years6 mg
(9 IU)
6 mg
(9 IU)
4–8 years7 mg
(10.4 IU)
7 mg
(10.4 IU)
9–13 years11 mg
(16.4 IU)
11 mg
(16.4 IU)
14+ years15 mg
(22.4 IU)
15 mg
(22.4 IU)
15 mg
(22.4 IU)
19 mg
(28.4 IU)
*Adequate Intake (AI)

Best list of vitamin E foods

  • Vitamin E in the avocado: In every 100 gr of avocado, you can meet the daily needs of vitamin E up to 10%. Avocado fruit has many benefits for the body. In addition to free radicals, can also prevent stroke and reduce cholesterol in the blood. And also can make the formation of red blood cells and prevent ulcer disease. For fulfillment you can combine it with other fruits such as oranges or other fruit to be used as a salad.
  • Vitamin E in mango fruit: Mango fruit also contains vitamin E, vitamin E contained in mango fruit as much as 2 to 3 mg of every of the mango fruit. Because by eating mangoes can get many benefits. The benefits include, nourish the eyes, keep the digestive processes in the body, keeping constipation, and prevent acidity. Improve memory and memory in the brain. And also can prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as to fight against diabetes.
  • Vitamin E in the Kiwi Fruit: Having a low fat content, it does not mean kiwi fruit does not contain much vitamin E. In 100 grams of kiwi fruit contained 1.5 mg of vitamin E. Kiwifruit can be eaten directly or used to mix the salad. Benefits include kiwi fruit, capable of treating the symptoms of impotence by preventing diabetes early. Kiwi fruit has also been used as a source of energy drinks to increase stamina because it contains electrolytes to the body.
  • Vitamin E in Paprika: Paprika containing vitamin E is a type of red and green paprika, while yellow paprika not containing vitamin E in it. For red peppers contain vitamin E 1.58 mg in every 100 gr. As for the green paprika contain 7.4 mg of  vitamin E in the same weight. One of paprika benefits such as, lowers the risk of cancer, maintaining healthy heart, lower blood cholesterol levels.
Other source of vitamin E
Vitamin E content  mg/100g
Sunflower seeds oil
Grape seeds oil
Wheat, hazelnuts, and almonds
Peanut oil, canola oil, and soybean oil
Olive oil and walnut oil
Nuts, eels, and fish oil
Walnuts, butter, egg yolks, dandelion, and sweet potatoes
Spinach, asparagus, green beans, lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, salmon, omelets and bread wheat

Vitamin E Deficiency Can Cause Nerve Damage, Beware Of The Symptoms!

In the book 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals', deficiency of vitamin E in the long run can bring nerve damage, especially in the spinal nerves. Sometimes there is damage in the retina of the eye. Lack of vitamin E should be rare. This is because of the daily diet of most people, getting intake of 7-11 mg of vitamin E. However, it appears that in the U.S. there were mild deficiency of vitamin E.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) is an antioxidant that protects body cells against damage by reactive chemical compounds known as free radicals. Vitamin E, like vitamins A, D, and K, a fat-soluble vitamin and is best absorbed when taken together with the amount of fat.

A very low-fat diets deficient in vitamin E, because vitamin E is best absorbed when eaten with some fat. Abnormalities that interfere with fat absorption, such as impaired liver or gallbladder disorders, pancreatitis, or cystic fibrosis, may also decrease the absorption of vitamin E and increases the risk for a deficiency of vitamin E. Newborns have a reserve of vitamin E is relatively low because only a small amount of vitamin E, which can cross the placenta. Thus, wind born babies, especially premature babies, high risk for deficiency of vitamin E. However, with the passage of age, the risk decreases because the baby usually get enough vitamin E from breast milk or infant formula.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency can occur include declining reflexes, difficulty in walking, loss of coordination, loss of position sense (knowing the position of the body without looking at him), and muscle weakness. In children, the eyelids can be down and they may have difficulty moving the eyes. 

Vitamin E deficiency can cause anemia due to the rupture of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia). Premature babies who are at risk for vitamin E deficiency affected by this disorder. In premature babies, can also occur in the brain hemorrhage, and impaired blood vessel growth in the eye (Retinopathy of Prematurity-ROP). Problems of the eyes (retinopathy) and brain hemorrhage in premature infants can also be caused by exposure to high levels of oxygen in the incubator. Newborn babies who are deficient in vitamin E also has a weakness in the muscles.

The diagnosis is made based on the symptoms that occur, the presence of risk conditions for the occurrence of vitamin E deficiency, and physical examination. Diagnosis can be confirmed by blood tests that showed low levels of vitamin E in the blood. Treatment includes supplementation of vitamin E. Premature babies can be given extra vitamin E to prevent interference. Most newborns at term does not need additional vitamin E, because they get enough vitamin E from breast milk or formula.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

5 Main Vitamin E Benefits & Functions To Human Health

Vitamin E provides benefits to prevent people from free radical attack and prevent various diseases such as liver, slows premature aging due to oxidation processes, and much more. Therefore, it is advisable to always meet the daily requirement of vitamin E. Vitamin E is the generic name for "Tocopherol" and is available in four different forms. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant, which is why benefits of Vitamin E for health no need to doubt.

Tocopherol is insoluble in water but soluble in fat solvents such as oils, fats, alcohol, acetone, ether and so on. Because it is not water soluble, vitamin E can only be digested in the body with the help of the liver bile, as an emulsifier in oil through the duodenum. Vitamin E is stable on heating but will be damaged if the heating is too high. Vitamin E is alkaline, if there is no oxygen and is not affected by the acid at a temperature of 1000 C. When exposed to oxygen in the air, it will oxidize slowly. Meanwhile, when exposed to the light color will be darker gradually.

Vitamin E is easily obtained from the oily foods or vegetables. Vitamin E is found in many fruits, milk, butter, eggs, vegetables, especially sprouts. Examples of the many vegetables that contain vitamin E are wheat germ oil, soybean oil, corn oil, alfalfa, lettuce, beans, asparagus, bananas, strawberries, sunflower seeds, beans, sweet potatoes and green vegetables. Vitamin E is more abundant in fresh unprocessed foods.

One unit is equivalent to 1 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate or can be considered equivalent to 1 mg. Besides breast milk also contains vitamin E to meet the needs of the baby.

During its development, Vitamin E is produced in the form of pills, capsules, and other vitamins as that already exist beforehand. Vitamins are already packaged in various forms is sold freely in the market and are considered useful.

Vitamin E Benefits For Health

  1. Preventing Heart Disease: The role of vitamin E can prevent atherosclerosis caused by plaque on the walls of the arteries leading to the heart. The presence of plaque can be formed by the oxidation of blood cholesterol and eventually the material will accumulate and eventually clog the arteries. Vitamin E can prevent cholesterol from oxidation, so it will not form materials that can clog the arteries so the less cholesterol is oxidized, the less cause arterial blockage will cause the risk of heart disease.

  2. Preventing Cancer: The content of antioxidants in vitamin E also very instrumental in preventing the onset of cancer. Perhaps the ability of vitamins to prevent cancer is not as strong as its ability to prevent heart disease, but the research shows that, in patients with cancer have low vitamin E levels.

  3. Counteract Free Radicals: Free radicals are the cause of many diseases in our body, including cancer. Vitamin E contains antioxidants which can counteract free radicals into the body. Vitamin E also has the special ability to protect cell membranes intruded by free radicals. Vitamin E has the ability to capture and bind free radicals in the cell membrane. To carry out these duties, vitamin E helped with vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other antioxidants. In addition, the elderly also need a lot of intake of vitamin E to boost the immune system and also slow down the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. 

  4. Maintain Male Fertility: Free radicals could potentially cause infertility in men. This happens because the fat content in sperm cell membrane, which causes the vulnerability of sperm cells against free radical attack. Intake of vitamin E may help ward off free radicals and prevent damage to sperm cells.

  5. Keeping Eyes Healthy: The blood vessels in the eye are very soft, very easily damaged by free radicals. Intake of vitamin E helps prevent damage to blood vessels. In addition, vitamin E also helps protect the lens of the eye from damage by free radicals. People with a low intake of vitamin E had a higher risk of cataracts later in life. Vitamin E intake of 400 IU per day of one's youth will reduce the risk of cataracts in old age to about 50%. With such facts, there is no longer any reason for you to not be concerned with the consumption of vitamin E, which is very much beneficial.

Potassium Deficiency May Lead To Dangerous Health Problems, Know The Symptoms Early!

There are so many bad effects of potassium deficiency in our body, can even be fatal. Early symptoms of calcium deficiency or called hypokalemia is weak and limp. A doctor said that, the body is weak and limp (eg, can not lift leg like a paralyzed) could be symptoms of a person exposed to hypokalemia. This disorder should not be ignored, because potassium determines cardiac muscle work. Potassium is the major component that determines the electrolyte balance in the body work. These substances are needed as much as 3.5-5.5 mEq per liter of blood. Potassium can be found in various types of daily food, such as bananas.

We can determine the levels of potassium in the body through blood tests. If the result is less than 3.5 then the condition is hypokalemia. Furthermore, we can test if the kidneys do not experience vomiting or diarrhea. Additional potassium normally required for patients taking diuretic medications (diuretics). When potassium deficiency occurs in large numbers, usually the patient will be given a potassium salt, which is taken orally. But salt is given in small doses several times a day, to avoid gastrointestinal irritation. Potassium can also be given through an IV, which can only be done in the hospital. This is to avoid the increase potassium too high which is harmful to the patient.

Actually, the signs of potassium deficiency can be seen, there are some signs if someone is deficient in potassium, including: 
  • Limp and muscle cramps: Potassium is essential for muscle health condition. Potassium deficiency causes us to become limp, listlessness and cramping sometimes occur in some parts of the body. 

  • Paralyzed: If the signs of potassium deficiency such as fatigue and muscle cramps allowed to drag can be fatal (paralysis).

  • Muscle damage: Paralysis due to potassium deficiency can cause some muscle becomes damaged. Even worse can lead to all the contents in the muscles out and this condition known as rhabdomyolysis. 

  • Flatulence: The muscles of the stomach will not function if the maximum intake of potassium is too low and the effect is pain, bloating, cramping and pain in the stomach. 

  • Impaired heart: As we know that potassium is very influential on the performance of muscle including the heart muscle. With a low level of potassium can lead to performance that makes the heart muscles become impaired.

  • Kidney Disorders: Kidney will lose the ability to process urine. As a result, the body will be the excess amount of water and discharge excess water in the body causes dizziness, nausea, fainting. 

  • Tingling: With the disruption of the circulation of the blood due to deficiency of potassium, often times we will feel tingling and numbness.

Adverse effects of potassium deficiency

  1. Difficulty sleeping and irritability      
  2. Muscle pain, muscle weakness and cramps.      
  3. Hyponatremia is accompanied by anxiety.      
  4. Disorders that result in nerve transmission to confusion and delirium.      
  5. Tingling and numbness in the arms and legs.      
  6. Cardiac arrhythmia is an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart.      
  7. Related skin problems such as dry skin and acne.      
  8. Temporary memory loss or other problems such as a weak memory, difficulty in concentration, and so on.      
  9. Paralysis of the intestine and lungs      
  10. Heart-related problems such as heart damage.      
  11. Increased blood pressure.      
  12. Experiencing ear noise.      
  13. The digestive system can be affected and cause constipation.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Calcium Deficiency Can Lead to Serious Health Problems

Calcium is a substance that is needed since infancy to old age. The amount of calcium can be differentiated by sex and age. Calcium deficiency can lead to some serious health problems, therefore, advisable to include calcium-rich foods in the daily menu. Calcium is synonymous with bone health, but it turns out, calcium can also affect the health of other organ systems. Every day the body needs about 800-1000 mg of calcium intake for adults. In fact, this dose can be increased during pregnancy and lactation.

More than 200 diseases associated with calcium deficiency. Acidity, body fluids are too acidic, is a major indication of diseases associated with calcium deficiency. Scientists discovered that the body fluids of healthy people are have high alkaline and pH, whereas the body fluids of the sick are have a low pH and acidic. Meeting the needs of the body's calcium prevent hundreds of diseases or help the recovery of hundreds of diseases.

7 health problems caused by calcium deficiency

  1. Osteoporosis: loss of bone mass, generally occurs with age. Research shows that at age 25, the body will begin to experience a shortage of calcium as much as 1 percent per year. Entering the age of 50 years, the amount of calcium will be reduced by 30 percent and lost at the age of 70 years will reach 50 percent calcium.
  2. Muscle cramps: calcium deficiency can trigger muscle contraction unstable resulting in muscle cramps. One of the events that is often found in pregnant women. Besides triggered venous pressure is not smooth due to the increased weight of the uterus, cramps in pregnant women is also triggered by calcium deficiency. So before pregnancy, women need adequate intake of calcium.
  3. Palpitations: Although can be caused by many things, palpitations or heart palpitations can also be experienced as a result of calcium deficiency. This is related to the function of calcium as one guards the heart rhythm. 
  4. Hypertension: A new study shows that most people who have hypertension are also experiencing a shortage of calcium in the body. This may be related to disruption of calcium uptake due to consumption of foods high in salt, but can also be due to calcium alone function is to control the blood pressure.
  5. Rickets: Rickets is a bone bending due to lack of calcium intake on bone are still growing, ie in childhood. Therefore, since the calcium intake was a child also needs to be considered. 
  6. Cognitive impairment: Often forgotten or not being able to concentrate the task is a symptom of cognitive decline. Calcium deficiency may play a role in this regard. Nanny said, calcium is an essential mineral that plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses. Thus, deficiency of calcium can lead to the transmission is not running smoothly, then the occurrence of cognitive decline. 
  7. Depression: The study found a significant association of depression with calcium deficiency. Average patient depression calcium deficiency in the body. This is probably due to the decrease in the function of the body to absorb calcium due to depression.
Health Fame Calcium, Minerals

19 List Of Calcium Rich Foods Besides Milk

Calcium is a mineral that is essential for humans, among others, for the body's metabolism, connections between nerves, heart action, and muscle movement. The main function of calcium is as a driver of the muscles, the main deposits are in the bones and teeth, if necessary, it can move calcium into the blood. So you need to meet the need of daily calcium requirement with calcium rich foods.

Calcium is a mineral that is essential for humans, among others, for the body's metabolism, connections between nerves, heart action, and muscle movement. The main function of calcium is as a driver of the muscles, the main deposits are in the bones and teeth, if necessary, it can move calcium into the blood. In our body, the amount of calcium much more when compared with other minerals. Of all the calcium that is in the human body, 99% of calcium present in the bones and teeth which is the hard tissue, and the remaining 1% are in there in the soft tissues and blood.

After age 20, the human body will begin to experience a shortage of calcium as much as 1% per year. And after the age of 50 years, the amount of calcium in the body will shrink as much as 30%. Losing will reach 50% when reaching the age of 70 years, and so have problems of calcium deficiency. To get maximum calcium intake, you can get from list of foods with high calcium content below.

  1. Cheese: Cheese is a food made ​​from milk, cheese has almost all of the nutritional content of milk, such as protein, vitamins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, fat and cholesterol. But remember, the milk will also cause health disorders if consumed in excessive amounts.

  2. Yogurt: Yogurt is milk that is made ​​by fermentation of bacteria. Yogurt can be made from any milk, including soy milk. But most of the yogurt itself is made from cow's milk. Yogurt is also a high-calcium foods as milk-based, which certainly has most of the nutritional content of milk.

  3. Soybeans: Did you know, soybeans also contain calcium which is quite high, if one cup of soy beans mixed with boiled without salt, it will produce 261 mg of calcium. Soy milk is also a good source of calcium.

  4. Salmon: Salmon is rich in healthy fats as well as protein, in addition to the 3 ounces of canned salmon are already having spine also contains a high content of calcium is 181 mg of calcium. 

  5. Dried fruits: Dried fruits can meet the needs of calcium that the body needs. Dried fruit offers 135 mg of calcium for 5 types of dry fruits. 

  6. White Beans: White beans have a relatively high calcium content, in 100 grams of white beans contained 442 mg of calcium. White beans, included into the category of beans with a fairly high calcium content. In general, white bean has a calcium content of 175 mg / portion.

  7. Radish: Radish contains calcium which is fairly high, about 200 mg / trunk. Eating vegetable soup mixed with radish in addition to meeting the needs of vitamin A can also be used as one way to meet calcium needs.

  8. Sesame seeds: Who knew Sesame seeds have a high calcium content. In 1 ounce of sesame seeds contained 280 mg of calcium, the amount is almost equal to the amount of calcium in 1 cup of milk. 

  9. Soy milk: In addition to soybeans, soy milk is also rich in calcium which is about 300 mg of calcium, if presented without being mixed with any food.

  10. Oranges: Oranges can be found in most parts of the world. In addition to having the content of vitamin C, oranges also have a calcium content of 60 mg 

  11. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a food that is good for the heart, rich in fiber and carbohydrates. It also contains calcium which is quite high, in 1 cup of oatmeal contains 105 mg of calcium.

  12. Sardines: Sardines can meet 33% of calcium that the body needs. Thus, sardines consume at least 1 time a week. 

  13. Tofu: Tofu is a food made from fermented soybeans sediment, as well as know. Tofu is arguably knew the Japanese version. Tofu itself is softer and less resistant to treatment. Due to the high calcium content, tofu itself is recommended as a food substitute for milk.

  14. Kale: Kale is a vegetable that belongs to the type of cabbage or more commonly known with less cabbage. In every 1 cup of kale contains 90 mg of calcium. In other words, 3.5 cups of kale would be more beneficial than 1 cup of milk. 

  15. Quinoa: Quinoa is a pseudo cereal crops that have been the staple of Indian society in the Andes, South America. Quinoa is called a pseudo cereal because it is not produced from the seeds of grains. The leaves can also be eaten as spinach seeds. Quinoa seeds is ideal as a source of nutrition because it contains carbohydrates and protein as well. If cooked, 1 cup quinoa provides 60-100 mg of calcium.

  16. Broccoli: Broccoli is a vegetable that is included in the cabbage tribe. Broccoli health benefits can even be said that broccoli is the vegetable with the highest calcium content of 180 mg. 

  17. Almonds: Almonds are commonly used as snack foods are rich in vitamin E. In addition, almonds also contain 70-80 mg of calcium. 

  18. Bananas: Bananas are fruits that are already familiar to us. Because the bananas are in almost all places. Bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium.

  19. Broccoli and spinach: Who would have thought, it turns the vegetables also contained a high content of calcium and can be utilized to meet calcium needs. Vegetables containing high calcium are broccoli and spinach.
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Simple Self-help Cures To Stop Snoring

In more severe cases, snoring and sleep apnea can lead to strokes and heart attacks. But do not worry, you can perform simple tips to stop snoring. Snoring is the humane thing and can happen to anyone, but for some people snore is something very disturbing. Snoring is caused due to the narrowing of the air contained in the throat or in the nose that flowed through the oxygen that enters the body. To get the right snoring remedies, you should know first what causes snoring that you can read below.

Causes of snoring 

  1. Over weight: A person who has more weight, have a great chance of snoring. Throat network owned by the owner of a large body is more and more big. so there is a narrowing of the airways that can cause snoring. There are several ways that you can take, including mild exercise or diet control.

  2. Recumbent sleep: One of the prone sleeping position with snoring is, supine sleeping position. Mouth open when sleeping on their backs, the tongue will be pushed to the position that makes it easy for blockage in the airways causing snoring. 

  3. Smoking habits: Smoking can damage heart health and lung. In addition, smoking can trigger inflammation in the respiratory tract and throat. The trigger is what can lead to a snore.

  4. Body anatomy: Respiratory tract small or narrow, creating a difficulty in exhaling, causing the snoring sound. A man has a smaller airways than women so the risk of snoring is more dominant in males. 

  5. Drugs and alcohol: Consuming drugs and alcohol will increase the relaxation that can cause snoring. Relax airway does not guarantee a healthy sleeping position. This makes the airways relax so that performance can not work optimally. That's what causes the snoring sound.

Some easy ways to stop snoring

  • Fixing a less regular pattern of life: Make a time duration sufficient to determine the break time, work time, family time, etc. do not exceed a predetermined time. if this happens, then you will be exhausted in making routine, so the chances of snoring becomes larger. 

  • Noting sleeping position: Before falling asleep, there are some important things you should do like cleaning the nasal cavities and tooth brushing. after that you sleep in a slanting position or lay your head higher.

  • Exercising: With regular exercise, will help tighten your muscles including several muscles in the throat. Exercise will also help you lose weight so that your respiratory tract to work optimally when asleep.

  • Avoid the use of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol: For those of you who are accustomed to consuming sedatives when trying sleep it is advisable to consult a doctor. No sedative type that causes snoring worse. In addition to drug use, it helps you to stop smoking and consuming drugs. It will irritate the respiratory tract, so that there is a blockage in your nose, which will result in increasingly narrowed airways.
Health Fame Diseases, Sleep Apnea, Snoring
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Vitamin C Overdose Side Effects & The Symptoms That You Must Know

Vitamin C is very essential for health, however, vitamin C overdose can also lead to negative effects on health. Can we overdose on vitamin C? The answer is yes! According to US government, the RDAs for vitamin C are based on its known physiological and antioxidant functions in white blood cells and are much higher than the amount required for protection from deficiency. For infants from birth to 12 months, the FNB established an AI for vitamin C that is equivalent to the mean intake of vitamin C in healthy breastfed infants. Read table below!

RDAs for Vitamin C 
Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0–6 months40 mg*40 mg*
7–12 months50 mg*50 mg*
1–3 years15 mg15 mg
4–8 years25 mg25 mg
9–13 years45 mg45 mg
14–18 years75 mg65 mg80 mg115 mg
19+ years90 mg75 mg85 mg120 mg
SmokersIndividuals who smoke require 35 mg/day
more vitamin C than nonsmokers.
* Adequate Intake (AI)
* RDA : Recommended Dietary Allowances

Vitamin C plays a role in enhancing the immune system related to health to prevent your body from free radical exposure. Free radicals cause cells in the body are easily damaged and can not function properly. In addition vitamin C is often used in some beauty methods to improve the body's cells and blood circulation. Vitamin C can be found naturally from the content of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables that have a high vitamin C are oranges, broccoli, pineapple and tomatoes. In addition the use of vitamin C in beauty methods such as supplements and injections with high doses of vitamin C will cause some health problems. You have to pay attention to nutritional adequacy rate (RDI) according to age, sex and state to find out the requirement of vitamin C in the body.

If you take vitamin C naturally through fruits or vegetables in large quantities, the possibility of side effects is not too dangerous because the rest are not required to be issued through the urine. Dangerous side effects emerged in the form of Vitamin C supplements if taken too much will make it difficult for the body to process and can eventually lead to disease.

Symptoms of Excess Vitamin C 

Mild symptoms of vitamin C overdose    

  • mouth ulcers      
  • Often fart or experiencing excessive gas problems      
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness      
  • Strong-smelling urine      
  • bloating      
  • stomach ache      
  • indigestion      
  • diarrhea      
  • headache      
  • fever      
  • Increased levels of stress      
  • flushed face      
  • skin rash     
  • leg cramps      
  • stomach cramps
Main symptoms of vitamin C overdose 
These problems may arise if you take vitamin C more than 6000 mg / day.      
  • The decrease is caused by excessive Vitamin B12 vitamin C.      
  • Oxygen demand will be increased, which resulted in additional pressure on the heart, because vitamin C is redundant.      
  • Copper deficiency can occur due to an overdose of vitamin C.      
  • Hepatitis infection can occur if high doses of vitamin C consumed.      
  • Cavities can be formed due to excessive amounts of vitamin C.      
  • Severe back pain can be seen when the high quantity of vitamin C consumed.      
  • Insomnia can also arise because of the inconvenience and toxicity effects of vitamin C.      
  • Iron toxicity because of increased absorption of iron is the result of an overdose of vitamin C.

For some people who are more sensitive, too much vitamin C can cause more serious health problems, among others:

  1. Kidney stone disease: In addition to an increased risk of kidney stones, an overdose of vitamin C also increases the risk of other kidney problems. Consumption of high levels of vitamin C supplements may increase the levels of oxalate in the urine and result in calcium oxalate kidney stones, the most common type of kidney stones. Oxalate is found naturally in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and chocolate, and are also produced by the liver.

  2. Symptoms of Allergies: Anyone who has a corn allergy should examine whether vitamin C supplements consumed, because some supplements of vitamin C made ​​from corn. 

  3. Heart disease in women: Vitamin C supplements may be harmful for some women, especially postmenopausal women with diabetes. A study of more than 1,900 postmenopausal women with diabetes found that women who had the highest intake of vitamin C (more than 300 mg per day) of supplements (instead of food) have an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

  4. Blood dilute: High doses of vitamin C can thin the blood. Anyone who has been prescribed to take blood-thinning medications should consult a physician before taking supplements of vitamin C. 

  5. Diabetes: Taking high doses of vitamin C can have an impact on blood glucose levels in diabetic patients and thus affect the need for antidiabetic drugs. If you have diabetes, you should talk to your doctor before taking supplements of vitamin C. 

  6. Other health disorders: Anyone who has a medical condition that is associated with the loading acids, such as uric acid, cirrhosis, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, or renal tubular acidosis should consult with a physician before taking high doses of vitamin C.
Health Fame Vitamin C, Vitamins

Magnesium Deficiency May Lead To Heart Attack, Be Aware Of The Symptoms!

Magnesium deficiency can cause a variety of problems and negative impacts on human health. Magnesium is a mineral that is very important and is responsible for many body functions. Function of magnesium include, helping the formation of new cells, and keep the liver and kidneys in order to function properly. Magnesium is also known as mineral heart. Magnesium helps the production of energy, digestion, and muscle function. This mineral also plays a role activating B vitamins, adrenal glands, brain and nervous system. Consuming magnesium supplements do not automatically fix the above deficiencies of these minerals. In order to be absorbed by the body, calcium supplement should be available in ionic form. That is, calcium supplements should be soluble in water.

Magnesium is a mineral with intracellular potassium. Approximately 60% of body magnesium in our bones, the average is 26% of the muscles and the rest in the soft tissues and body fluids. The human body contains between 21 and 28 grams of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is very common, especially in the elderly and in women during their menstrual period. Other factors that may cause this deficiency include surgery, diuretics, heart disease, use of contraceptives, alcohol, high intake of calcium and kidney disease.

Magnesium is involved in the activation of at least 300 different enzymes and other body chemicals. It turns out, for the B vitamins and plays a role in protein synthesis, muscle stimulation and release of energy. It is found mainly in the mitochondria, the energy centers of cells. Magnesium regulates the absorption of calcium and added to the integrity of bones and teeth. Parathyroid glands also needs magnesium to function normally.

5 Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

  1. Fatigue & Body Feels Weak: Magnesium has an important role in the formation of energy in every cell and overall energy level. The formation of energy would be hampered if the amount of magnesium is inadequate, causing fatigue and weakness.

  2. Restlessness & Insomnia: This mineral deficiency can cause insomnia, muscle spasms, cramps, tension and discomfort in the body. The nervous system can function well if sufficient levels of magnesium. This mineral deficiency will cause the nerve cells can not give or receive impulses optimally. Magnesium deficiency will also cause a person to be nervous and restless quickly. 

  3. PMS and Osteoporosis: PMS symptoms can be alleviated with magnesium. PMS complaints generally occurs due to magnesium deficiency and calcium excess. Magnesium is also very important to regulate bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

  4. Cardiac Disorders: Magnesium deficiency can cause a heart attack. Early symptoms include disturbances in heart rhythm changes in heart rate, angina pain, and fainting due to fatigue after strenuous physical activity or exercise. Magnesium deficiency can cause the heart muscle to spasm or cramp and can not perform optimally contraction. 

  5. Headache, Diabates, & High Blood Pressure: Asthma, headaches, migraines, seizures, depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety, ADD, arthritis and kidney stones become worse when the amount of magnesium in the body is inadequate.
Health Fame Magnesium
Monday, April 14, 2014

5 Importance Benefits And Functions Of Vitamin B To Human Health

B vitamins are eight water-soluble vitamins and has an important role in cell metabolism. Formerly, these vitamins once thought to only have one type, such as vitamin C or vitamin D. However, after further investigation showed that the chemical composition of these vitamins in it to distinguish from each other and seen in for example in some foods. Supplements containing all eight of this type is referred to as vitamin B complex.

We can get the source of the B complex vitamins from fruits, vegetables, and side dishes that we eat day-care such that: Lentils, almonds, and spinach, lettuce, cabbage, fish, eggs, milk and meat, all of these are food sources that contain Vitamin B1. While the food sources that contain Vitamin B2 which is found in chicken, salmon, tuna and pasta and is also found in whole grains. 

Although Vitamin B is comprised of Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12 but all these vitamins work together to meet the needs of vitamins required by our body and also for our survival. Vitamin B complex has its own function in our bodies such as producing energy, this is done by Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6, B7, while functioning for amino.dan acid metabolism in vitamin B12 and B9 helps in cell division.

Vitamin B benefits for our health

  1. Improving Memory: Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid compound that is toxic to nerve cells, so the vitamin B complex will be the protector around the nerves of the brain that does not get the slightest threat of homocysteine ​​that memory and concentration can be maintained. 

  2. Maintain Healthy Hair and Skin: Today, many young people have problems like gray hair and also experience dry skin and dull. Do you know the health of skin and hair depends on the synthesis of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that occur after assisted by vitamin B complex. So if you are experiencing symptoms such as prematurely gray hair grows it means that you are deficient intake of vitamin B complex.

  3. Increasing energy production: Changes of carbohydrates into glucose which will produce energy when we do an activity or exercise such as running or gymnastics, the primary function of Vitamin B complex. so if you are deficient in Vitamin B complex will feel tired, weary and tired easily when you do an activity or when you are exercising. 

  4. Maintaining the health of the digestive system: If you are having problems / disease on your digestive system, it is a sign that you should consume lots of foods, fruits and side dishes that contain a lot of Vitamin B complex. Because Vitamin B complex is water-soluble vitamins, so as to improve the digestive system and acid chlorides.

  5. Maintaining a healthy pregnancy: According to experts, one of the important steps that pregnant women can do to reduce the possibility of serious birth defects are consuming adequate amounts of vitamin B9 (folic acid). Vitamin is more effective when taken in sufficient quantities before pregnancy and during early pregnancy. Folic acid contribute to the development of DNA that ultimately optimize fetal growth. Pregnant and lactating women are advised to consume about 400 mg of folic acid every day. Vitamin B9 deficiency can lead to impaired infant growth, and learning difficulties.
Health Fame Vitamin B, Vitamins

Please Be Aware, Vitamin B Deficiency Lead To Several Health Problems

In general, the B vitamins play an important role in the metabolism in the body, especially in terms of energy release during the move. That is why, vitamin B deficiency lead to several health problems and even give the effect of a birth defect. Vitamin B complex is composed of several vitamins, namely vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxal), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9 (folate) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

The vitamin group, has a water-soluble nature (except B12), that will be issued by the body if excess. So our bodies are in need of food every day. Vitamin B can be obtained from various types of food, animal and vegetable. So the group is very risky vegetarian diet deficient in vitamin B complex. So this diet group, may have to take it from supplements, but you should ask your doctor first.

  • Thiamin: Lack of vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine), will make a loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation, muscle weakness, slow pulse rate, depression and irritability. Symptoms of thiamine deficiency include insomnia too. 

  • Riboflavin: Vitamin B2 also known as riboflavin. Vitamin B2 deficiency symptoms generally include red eyes, a burning sensation in the eyes, and itching. People who are deficient in vitamin B types, also can become overly sensitive to light. Symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency is also associated with skin problems, including cracked skin, skin wrinkles easily, pain around the lips and oily skin. Dull hair and cataracts are also symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency that may arise.

  • Niacin: The symptoms caused by a deficiency of vitamin B3 (niacin), it can be easy to make the body lethargic, poor appetite, headaches. Some people may easily become forgetful as a result of niacin deficiency, or also affected by digestive problems, gastrointestinal problems and dermatitis. 

  • Pantothenic Acid: The symptoms caused by vitamin deficiency include numbness and fatigue. Then with more severe conditions may cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. 

  • Pyridoxine: Disorders associated with anemia and malaise are symptoms that occur as a result of a deficiency of vitamin B6 or pyridoxamine. Deficiency of this vitamin can also be accompanied by insomnia, irritability, nervous easily, and convulsions.

  • Biotin: Vitamin B7 or biotin, associated with healthy hair, vitamin B deficiency can cause a type of hair problems. Common symptoms that may be considered include hair loss, dry hair and rough, and dull hair. Skin disorders can also cause skin disease eczema. 

  • Folic Acid: One of the most severe effects of deficiency of vitamin B9 or folic acid is in pregnant women. This type of vitamin B deficiency can result in children born with defects and premature births. In addition to this, folic acid deficiency can lead to weight loss, poor appetite, sore tongue, anemia, irritability, and rapid heartbeat or irregular.

  • Cobalamin: People who have problems such as lack of concentration, depression and sleep disorders, perhaps as a result of deficiency of vitamin B12, which is also known as cobalamin. 

The symptoms of vitamin B deficiency mentioned above can also be caused by some other medical conditions and are not necessarily caused by a deficiency of vitamin B. Be wise to consult your doctor before taking vitamin supplements.
Health Fame Vitamin B, Vitamins
Monday, April 7, 2014

5 Important Vitamin A Benefits and Function

In addition to the vitamin A benefits to support eye health, vitamin A is also useful as an antioxidant. Vitamin A may protect the body from foreign organisms infections, such as pathogens bacterial. This defense mechanism is included in the external immune system, immune system because it comes from outside the body. This vitamin will increase the activity of white blood cells and antibodies in the body so that the body becomes more resistant to the toxin compounds against invading microorganisms and parasites, such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamin for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes. This vitamin is one of the significant factors for the growth of healthy hair. Even for the skin, this vitamin has many benefits, for which is included in skin care products. It can be very beneficial for acne prone skin and dry. It helps the skin to retain moisture, and thus making it soft and supple. It can also fight the signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.

Vitamin A takes part in gene transcription, cell growth, embryonic development and reproduction. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals on cells and tissues. In addition it helps the immune system to fight infectious pathogens. Because of its antioxidant properties, may decrease the risk of several diseases including cancer and heart disease. Even people who have high blood cholesterol levels benefit from vitamin A. In addition, these vitamins make moist mucous membranes, and help the healthy growth of teeth and bones. Children with respiratory problems can also benefit from this vitamin.

5 important vitamin A benefits

  1. Eye Health: Vitamin A has an important role in the health of human visual perception. This vitamin helps distribute the object received by the retina of the eye to the brain as an image. Compounds that play a role in this case is retinol.

  2. Optimize fetal development: Vitamin A is important for pregnant women. Because it is easily soluble in water and fat that is necessary for the health of the baby. Such as helping the development of eye cells, organs eye, for the growth of bone, skin health, and help the development of the heart.

  3.  Inhibit breast cancer cells: Based on recent research scientists from America, revealed that vitamin A can inhibit the growth of cancer that often affects women, namely breast cancer. Although not directly, but the form of derivatives such as retinoic acid or retinol is what will inhibit the growth of cancerous tissue itself.

  4. Boost immunity: Vitamin A palmitate and retinyl containing retinyl acetate can prevent infection from a wide variety of small organisms that can harm the body. Such as bacteria that try to enter the body through the respiratory and food.

  5. Inhibit the aging process: Vitamin A itself can produce antioxidants which can counteract free radicals. Free radicals are not clean air that is inhaled by our respiratory organs. Because the higher the antioxidant reaction itself, the more pollution that enters the body. But with vitamin A, the free-radical damage can be prevented to slow the aging process of the skin.

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to several serious diseases, that is why we should meet our daily need of vitamin A. The best source of vitamin A foods such as from vegetable like spinach, carrots and so on. While from fruits such as, apple, mango, papaya, banana and many more.
Health Fame Vitamin A, Vitamins
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Vitamin K Benefits & Function For Human Health

Vitamin K has a function to help the process of bone growth, especially for infants, children and adolescents. Besides this vitamin can also accelerate the process of blood clotting in case of injury in the body and bleed. So that when we are exposed to injury and rapid flow of blood is not frozen, it is often used as a sign when we are deficient in vitamin K. And if the bleeding can often occur due to another cause, namely the lack of blood or anemia.

Other benefits of vitamin K is to treat cancer. Several health research results show, when the dose of vitamin K consumed more than needed by the body, will lead to other effects that the healing process of certain types of cancer could be faster.

Vitamin K is important in blood clotting and also plays an important role in the process of bone formation with calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin K deficiency can cause blood clotting disorders that cause bleeding that is difficult to freeze. Newborns are very susceptible to bleeding because the digestive system of newborns is sterile and does not contain bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K, while breast milk contains only small amounts of vitamin K. Therefore, infants were given a vitamin K at birth to prevent deficiency of vitamin K.

Vitamin K is also known as coagulation. These vitamins include vitamins are soluble in fat. A daily dose of vitamin K is 2 mcg per 1 kg of body weight. Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency is abnormal blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency is rare in adults, but it often occurs in newborns. Symptoms of excess vitamin C can occur, such as nausea, vomiting, anemia, diarrhea, and skin rash. Below are some vitamin K benefits for human health.

  1. Blood clots: As we already know that the function to aid blood clotting. If vitamin K is not met then the process will be disrupted blood clotting. Logically, if a knife cuts due to the small size of the wound can be healed within 1 day (full recovery), in people who lack vitamin K in the body will have more than 1 day to (heal total).

  2. Bone growth and prevent osteoporosis: Other studies have also proved that in addition to diabetes, vitamin K can also increase bone density to form a strong skeletal structure of the body. Particularly in women, vitamin K can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In bone, vitamin K will help osteocalcin compounds that play a role in the absorption of minerals to form strong bone structure. Osteoklasin itself is produced by osteoblasts, the bone-forming cell collection. 

  3. Preventing diabetes: Researchers at Tufts found that vitamin K, especially K1, may reduce the risk of insulin resistance and thereby help fight diabetes. The findings were published in Diabetes Care. In addition, this vitamin also helps in the body's metabolism associated with insulin resistance compound.

  4. Prevent hemorrhagic disease: In the newborn hemorrhagic disease will experience bleeding. To prevent the baby should be given vitamin K intake through breast milk (breast milk). That is, the Mother who must consume foods rich in vitamin K. 

  5. Prevent bleeding heart: In the body, vitamin C also can suppress the bleeding hearts that often arise due to the use of aspirin or antibiotic compounds to excess. 

  6. Preventing cancer: Through the same mechanism, vitamin K can slow down the formation of cancer cells in the liver and lungs.

Health Fame Vitamin K, Vitamins