Calcium is a mineral that is essential for humans, among others, for the body's metabolism, connections between nerves, heart action, and muscle movement. The main function of calcium is as a driver of the muscles, the main deposits are in the bones and teeth, if necessary, it can move calcium into the blood. So you need to meet the need of daily calcium requirement with calcium rich foods.
Calcium is a mineral that is essential for humans, among others, for the body's metabolism, connections between nerves, heart action, and muscle movement. The main function of calcium is as a driver of the muscles, the main deposits are in the bones and teeth, if necessary, it can move calcium into the blood. In our body, the amount of calcium much more when compared with other minerals. Of all the calcium that is in the human body, 99% of calcium present in the bones and teeth which is the hard tissue, and the remaining 1% are in there in the soft tissues and blood.
After age 20, the human body will begin to experience a shortage of calcium as much as 1% per year. And after the age of 50 years, the amount of calcium in the body will shrink as much as 30%. Losing will reach 50% when reaching the age of 70 years, and so have problems of calcium deficiency. To get maximum calcium intake, you can get from list of foods with high calcium content below.
- Cheese: Cheese is a food made from milk, cheese has almost all of the nutritional content of milk, such as protein, vitamins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, fat and cholesterol. But remember, the milk will also cause health disorders if consumed in excessive amounts.
- Yogurt: Yogurt is milk that is made by fermentation of bacteria. Yogurt can be made from any milk, including soy milk. But most of the yogurt itself is made from cow's milk. Yogurt is also a high-calcium foods as milk-based, which certainly has most of the nutritional content of milk.
- Soybeans: Did you know, soybeans also contain calcium which is quite high, if one cup of soy beans mixed with boiled without salt, it will produce 261 mg of calcium. Soy milk is also a good source of calcium.
- Salmon: Salmon is rich in healthy fats as well as protein, in addition to the 3 ounces of canned salmon are already having spine also contains a high content of calcium is 181 mg of calcium.
- Dried fruits: Dried fruits can meet the needs of calcium that the body needs. Dried fruit offers 135 mg of calcium for 5 types of dry fruits.
- White Beans: White beans have a relatively high calcium content, in 100 grams of white beans contained 442 mg of calcium. White beans, included into the category of beans with a fairly high calcium content. In general, white bean has a calcium content of 175 mg / portion.
- Radish: Radish contains calcium which is fairly high, about 200 mg / trunk. Eating vegetable soup mixed with radish in addition to meeting the needs of vitamin A can also be used as one way to meet calcium needs.
- Sesame seeds: Who knew Sesame seeds have a high calcium content. In 1 ounce of sesame seeds contained 280 mg of calcium, the amount is almost equal to the amount of calcium in 1 cup of milk.
- Soy milk: In addition to soybeans, soy milk is also rich in calcium which is about 300 mg of calcium, if presented without being mixed with any food.
- Oranges: Oranges can be found in most parts of the world. In addition to having the content of vitamin C, oranges also have a calcium content of 60 mg
- Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a food that is good for the heart, rich in fiber and carbohydrates. It also contains calcium which is quite high, in 1 cup of oatmeal contains 105 mg of calcium.
- Sardines: Sardines can meet 33% of calcium that the body needs. Thus, sardines consume at least 1 time a week.
- Tofu: Tofu is a food made from fermented soybeans sediment, as well as know. Tofu is arguably knew the Japanese version. Tofu itself is softer and less resistant to treatment. Due to the high calcium content, tofu itself is recommended as a food substitute for milk.
- Kale: Kale is a vegetable that belongs to the type of cabbage or more commonly known with less cabbage. In every 1 cup of kale contains 90 mg of calcium. In other words, 3.5 cups of kale would be more beneficial than 1 cup of milk.
- Quinoa: Quinoa is a pseudo cereal crops that have been the staple of Indian society in the Andes, South America. Quinoa is called a pseudo cereal because it is not produced from the seeds of grains. The leaves can also be eaten as spinach seeds. Quinoa seeds is ideal as a source of nutrition because it contains carbohydrates and protein as well. If cooked, 1 cup quinoa provides 60-100 mg of calcium.
- Broccoli: Broccoli is a vegetable that is included in the cabbage tribe. Broccoli health benefits can even be said that broccoli is the vegetable with the highest calcium content of 180 mg.
- Almonds: Almonds are commonly used as snack foods are rich in vitamin E. In addition, almonds also contain 70-80 mg of calcium.
- Bananas: Bananas are fruits that are already familiar to us. Because the bananas are in almost all places. Bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium.
- Broccoli and spinach: Who would have thought, it turns the vegetables also contained a high content of calcium and can be utilized to meet calcium needs. Vegetables containing high calcium are broccoli and spinach.
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Writen by:
Mr Soed - Tuesday, April 22, 2014