Kiwi is one of the super fruit that belongs to the group of berries. In addition to its delicious taste, kiwi also has so many health benefits, because it is sources of vitamins, minerals and energy. As quoted from Idiva, fruit which is also known as kiwifruits (Actinidia deliciosa) is not only can be eaten directly, but is also often used as ingredients fresh cakes, tarts, fruit salads and other types of other desserts. This exotic fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals flavonoids. High content of vitamin C as contained in bananas. Additionally, it contains a high beta-carotene, making it suitable to be consumed every day.
Kiwifruit is native to southern China where it has been declared a National Fruit of China, cultivation of the fuzzy kiwifruit spread from China in the early 20th century, when seeds were introduced to New Zealand by Mary Isabel Fraser. There are two types of kiwi fruit on the market, namely green Kiwi and golden Kiwi.
Researchers from the Health Science from New Zealand Zespri International, Lynley Drummond said Kiwi fruit full of phytonutrients that are good for health, as it will result in polyphenols as antioxidants for the body, enzymes for digestion and beneficial carotenoids as antioxidants and eye health. Studies conducted prove, kiwi fruit provides the most nutrition with the least amount of calories when compared with oranges, bananas and apples. Make kiwi is one option for people who are in a diet program.
Calories in kiwi & nutrition facts
Kiwi is also referred to as a "super fruit" provides more vitamins for health, minerals per gram and per calorie of the 27 most popular fruit. Kiwi fruit is a source of dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin C and E, carotenoids, antioxidants and minerals. As mentioned above, kiwi is low calories fruit, in every 100 gr of kiwi only contained 61 calories.
Kiwi fruit has a low Glycemic Index and will not quickly raise blood glucose levels. Which is able to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and help maintain weight. Pregnant women need about 400-800 mcg of folic acid for a healthy perkembangean fetus in early pregnancy. Kiwi is a good source of folate which helps brain development and cognitive prevent neural defects in babies (both before and during pregnancy). Folate manufacture and repair of DNA, as well as assist in cell division and rapid growth.
To get more kiwi health benefits, you can read at kiwi nutrition facts table below and also comparation between green and golden kiwi nutrition.
Health benefits of kiwi
Kiwi contains potassium which is known as high blood pressure-lowering mineral. Potassium is also important for maintaining muscle and reflex functions of nerve system. Potassium also plays a role in maintaining water balance in the body.
Counteract free radicals
Kiwi is very rich antioxidant content. The content of polyphenols, carotenoids, and other enzymes to form antioxidants that counteract free radicals that enter the body. The result, a healthier body and can avoid many diseases.
Eye health
Kiwi contain lutein and beta-carotene are very useful for maintaining eye health.
Digestive Problems
With high fiber content, Kiwi can help for those who has digestive problems. Irregular bowel movement or bloating can be overcome by taking them on a regular basis.
Beneficial for pregnant women
Kiwi is rich in folic acid which is good for pregnant women to prevent birth defects of the brain or spinal cord. Kiwi fruit can also help overcome iron deficiency in women can be disruption to productivity, growth and cognitive function, the risk of pregnancy and the immune system.
Heart health
Its potassium content is almost the same as that contained in the bananas. Kiwi fruit is a source of potentially low salt potassium beneficial in maintaining blood pressure and heart health.
Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's
Kiwi fruit is believed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease up to 50%.
Kiwi allergy
Taken from wikipedia:
The actinidain found in kiwifruit can be an allergen for some individuals. Specifically, people allergic to latex, bananas, papayas, or pineapples are likely to also be allergic to kiwifruit. The fruit also contains calcium oxalate crystals in the form of raphides.
Reactions to these chemicals include sweating, tingling and sore mouth
or throat; swelling of the lips, tongue and face; rash; vomiting and
abdominal pain, heartburn; and, in the most severe cases, breathing
difficulties, wheezing and collapse. The most common symptoms are
unpleasant itching and soreness of the mouth, with the most common
severe symptom being wheezing. Severe symptoms are most likely to occur
in young children.
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Writen by:
Mr Soed - Friday, June 14, 2013
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