Apparently, we must immediately address the problem of dry mouth, because it has an effect on our health. Dry mouth or xerostomia occurs when your mouth produces less saliva. This can be caused by thick and stringy saliva. Saliva has the function to moisten and cleanse the mouth, and to help digest food. Saliva also prevents infection by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth. Even also serves to rinse food particles from the teeth, and neutralize acids to help prevent tooth decay.
Do not underestimate the dry mouth. Because dry mouth can be associated with nerve head damage or neck injury. Certain nerves of the body carries messages between the brain and salivary glands. If there is a damaged nerve, they may not be able to tell salivary glands to make saliva. Without your saliva will be very difficult to taste food because saliva carries flavor in food to nerve cells in the mouth and throat.
The lack of saliva causes the skin around the mouth becomes dry and tight. Your lips may be cracked, and form the corner of the mouth sores. In addition, the tongue can also feel rough and dry. Another possibility is, you will have difficulty swallowing and even speaking, due to the lack of saliva. Dry mouth causing unpleasant side effects. Because saliva is not doing flushing food in the mouth continuously, then the dirt will stick to and can develop bad breath. Dry mouth can also be a symptom of early onset of hoarseness and itching of the throat.
Common symptoms of dry mouth:
Do not underestimate the dry mouth. Because dry mouth can be associated with nerve head damage or neck injury. Certain nerves of the body carries messages between the brain and salivary glands. If there is a damaged nerve, they may not be able to tell salivary glands to make saliva. Without your saliva will be very difficult to taste food because saliva carries flavor in food to nerve cells in the mouth and throat.
The lack of saliva causes the skin around the mouth becomes dry and tight. Your lips may be cracked, and form the corner of the mouth sores. In addition, the tongue can also feel rough and dry. Another possibility is, you will have difficulty swallowing and even speaking, due to the lack of saliva. Dry mouth causing unpleasant side effects. Because saliva is not doing flushing food in the mouth continuously, then the dirt will stick to and can develop bad breath. Dry mouth can also be a symptom of early onset of hoarseness and itching of the throat.
Common symptoms of dry mouth:
- Sticky and dry taste in the mouth
- Often thirsty
- Sores on the mouth or the corners of the mouth and chapped lips
- Dryness in the throat
- Burning or tingling in the mouth, especially on tongue
- Dry and red tongue
- Problems during talking and difficulty to taste, chewing and swallowing
- Hoarse voice, dry nose, sore throat
- Bad breath
Here are some ways to cure dry mouth that summarized from eHow, MedicineNet, and Buzzle:
- Brush your teeth three times a day. Healthy teeth and gums will produce saliva appropriate, and make your mouth moist and fresh.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help keep the mouth moist. However, drinking in small gulps, because drinking water in big gulps will only make people urinate more frequently, and make dry mouth worse.
- Avoid caffeinated beverages, such as tea, coffee and soda.
- To prevent dryness, especially when you're eating, a sip of water in between meals will make chewing easier.
- Chewing sugarless gum or candy, to make the salivary glands secrete more saliva. However, try not to overdo it because the excess sugar in the candy can lead to disruption of dental caries.
- Do not consume cigarettes (tobacco) or alcohol, because it tends to increase the dryness of the mouth.
- Salty foods or spicy foods you should avoid, as it will only aggravate dry mouth, because it can cause pain and irritation of the tongue and oral cavity.
- Using a fluoride toothpaste to prevent the possibility of the development of dental caries.
- If the mouth sore, use warm salt water and baking soda rinses to dampen drought.
More than 400 types of medications can cause dry mouth, including medicines for allergies, cold symptoms, a prescription drug for high blood pressure, overactive bladder, and mental health problems.
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Writen by:
Mr Soed - Sunday, January 19, 2014