Vitamin D Deficiency Can Cause Brain Damage

Vitamin D is important for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. However, new evidence suggests that vitamin D also plays an important role in other organs and tissues, including the brain. Vitamin D (also known as calciferol) deficiency, can cause damage to the brain. Results of a study conducted by researchers from the University of Kentucky and published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine, this British study testing adult rats. Apparently, there is a growing free radicals and can damage the brains of that mice, after vitamin D levels are extremely low in a few months. Different brain proteins, also suffered damage as redox proteomics.

Not only that, these mice also showed a significant decrease in cognitive performance on tests of learning and memory. Lead author of the paper, Allan Butterfield, who is also a professor in the UK Department of Chemistry, Director of the Center of Membrane Science and Director of Free Radical Biology in Cancer Core at the Markey Cancer Center said, because vitamin D deficiency is very widespread among elderly people, they investigate low vitamin D that affects the oxidation status of the brain during the aging process.

Butterfield said, serum vitamin D levels were adequate necessary to prevent damage caused by free radicals in the brain and subsequent damage consequences. Previously, low levels of vitamin D have been associated with Alzheimer's disease. In addition, vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with the development of heart disease and even certain cancers.

In developed countries as well as regional economic difficulties do not always nutritious food intake, levels of vitamin D in humans is often low, especially in the elderly population. Butterfield suggested that the examination of the levels of vitamin D performed. If it is low, it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamin D, taking supplements of vitamin D, or the sun for 10-15 minutes a day in the sun exposure in order to keep a normal level of vitamin D to help protect the brain.

Vitamin D Daily Dose

How much vitamin D should I take daily
In November 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released an update on US consumption patterns intake of calcium and vitamin D for the people of North America (USA and Canada). The update sharply increase the intake of vitamin D value suggestions by strong evidence of its role in supporting bone health and establish RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance or Recommended Nutrient Intake) of 600 International Units (SI, International Units / IU) per day for all citizens North America aged 1 to 70 years, including pregnant or lactating mothers, and SI 800 per day for residents aged 71 years or more. Prompts for people aged over 71 years is set higher because of taking into account potential changes in the human body in the aging process.

RDA represents a value sufficient to meet the needs of almost everyone. IOM also set the highest intake level (UL, upper level) for vitamin D, which represents the safe upper limit on the scale intake, while noting that this rate should not be considered as the number of people needed or should be strived for consumption. Although the value of UL seems to vary according to age, the IOM concluded that the intake of vitamin D above SI 4,000 per day, there will be an increased risk of harm.

According to the IOM, set the level of intake for this vitamin is difficult because levels of this vitamin in the body may not only come from being consumed, but also of synthesis in the skin due to sun exposure. Due to the amount of the vitamin produced through sun exposure varies greatly from person to person, and exposed to the sun for too long is also not advisable to reduce the risk of skin cancer. So the levels of the recommendations of the IOM on the assumption of minimal sun exposure.

US Government recommendation
Below are recommended Vitamin D daily requirements based on US Government National Institute of Health site.

So, if you think you have vitamin D deficiency symptoms, it's very recommended that you should go to the doctor to do vitamin D test.
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Writen by: Mr Soed - Wednesday, August 5, 2015