Glaucoma is one type of eye disease with symptoms that do not direct, which gradually causes vision of the eye, becomes less and less, and eventually eye will be blind. This is because the discharge channel of the eyeball inhibited so that the eyeball will be enlarged and eyeballs will hit the optic nerve located behind the eyeball that eventually the optic nerve does not get the blood flow to the optic nerve will die.
The main cause of glaucoma is increased pressure in the eyeball above 20mmHg, other causes are hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Although rare can also be caused by emotional instability, migraine, narrowing of blood vessels and others. Eye pressure above the normal continuous would damage the optic nerve, but often not realized by the patient, because the damage little by little, therefore, need an eye examination, if it has been aged 40 years and over. Eye pressure that is above normal in the early stages will be given eye drops to lower eye pressure becomes normal.
Types of glaucoma
Two types of glaucoma are caused by pressure in the eye is open-angle glaucoma and closed angle.
Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma. This type of glaucoma is also known as chronic glaucoma, due to emerging and developing slowly. Closed-angle glaucoma is much rarer and is known as acute glaucoma because it occurs suddenly. Angle-closure glaucoma is an emergency condition because it can cause permanent blindness quickly.
Factors that can trigger inflammation and glaucoma is a severe infection of the eye, underlying diseases such as diabetes, as well as the side effects of steroid medications. In addition, the risk of glaucoma also increases with the age of a person, especially if it is above 40 years.
Diagnosing glaucoma
Because glaucoma causes optic nerve is compromised, then the diagnosis will focus on that. Eye doctor will examine the patient's eyesight and the inner structure of the eye. A procedure to check the eye pressure will also be conducted. This procedure is called tonometry. The doctor will also do a visual field test to check if the patient has been reduced peripheral vision.
Glaucoma symptoms
- Pain in the eye
- Headache
- See the shadow of the circle around the light
- Red eyes
- Nausea or vomiting
- The view can be blurry
- Vision narrowed to eventually not be able to see the object at all
In closed-angle glaucoma, the symptoms develop very rapidly that require medical treatment to reduce pressure in the eye as soon as possible. Symptoms of angle closure glaucoma them are eye pain and severe headaches, vision can be blurry, eye redness, nausea and vomiting, such as seeing a shadow circle on the light, and vision suddenly interrupted in low light conditions.
In open-angle glaucoma, the symptoms versus forth with angle closure glaucoma. Sufferers hardly feel the damage to their eyes because the symptoms develop slowly. The main characteristics of open-angle glaucoma is the decrease in peripheral vision in both eyes slowly, before it ended up being very narrow or tunnel vision.
If glaucoma occurs in infancy or children, glaucoma is called congenital glaucoma or congenital. Symptoms will appear as a baby or child. But sometimes the symptoms are not easily identified. Congenital glaucoma symptoms can include watery eyes and dewy look, eyes are very sensitive to light, the eyes look enlarged due to high pressure in the eye. Crossed eyes can also indicate glaucoma in children.
Glaucoma treatment
It's important to see a doctor immediately if you experience a decrease in vision that may have been caused by glaucoma. Eye damage caused by glaucoma can not be cured, but the goal of the treatment of this condition is to reduce intraocular pressure in the eye and prevent widespread damage to the eyes. In general, glaucoma can be treated with eye drops, oral medications, laser therapy, and surgical procedures.
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Solmob - Wednesday, August 17, 2016